Discover all the information, tips and tricks to capture, release and add the Dragon Egg in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite to complete your Registry. Rarity, threat, rewards and spell to cast, you will know everything about this Foundable from the Care for Magical Creatures family. Your objective in Wizards Unite is to follow magical tracks around the world in order to find and capture Findable. These Foundables can take the shape of magical creatures, objects, or even people. Imprisoned and blocked in various ways, your second objective will be to free them by casting spells.
Once captured, they join your Registry, in which you will find all the Foundables owned, classified by family and by page.
The dragons fiercely guard their eggs, blowing flames to keep them warm and allow the young to grow. Dragon eggs are classified as category A prohibited trade goods.
Spell to use Flipendo
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