Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors

Since there is a more or less close match to every Pokémon GO feature in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, we could assume that Pokéstops are akin to Inns, both of which provide you with vital resources to complete your goals. While Pokéstops in Pokémon GO allow you to collect several types of items, including Pokéballs, necessary in your Pokémon hunt, the Inns present in Wizards Unite will give you energy, an essential element for any wizard. In fact, in case you didn't know, to cast spells you will need to have energy points, a spell attempt, whether successful or not, worth one point.

The various spells and spells present in the title will allow you, among other things, free Foundables to send them back to the Wizarding world, to attack various creatures or to cultivate plantations more easily. As you will have understood, spells, and consequently, energy points will be essential elements of your learning of magic.

The hotels

To recover energy, you only have to go to the inns in the area, which will offer you to choose between five dishes, from the Harry Potter universe, covered with a bell, after drawing a glyph. Obviously, each of the mysterious dishes presented will be different, not giving you access to the same amount of energy. However, unlike Pokémon GO where all the Pokéstops were the same, in Wizards Unite there are several types of Inns, differentiated by a distinctive visual.

Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors Green Inn Available in rural areas, offering the best rewards.
  • Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors Bertie Crochue's surprise sugared almonds → 3 energies
  • Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors Pumpkin juice → 3 energies
  • Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors Tea → 3 energies
  • Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors Honeydukes Chocolate Bar → 6 energies
  • Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors Fish & Chips â†’ 6 energies
  • Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors Turkey → 10 energies
Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors Violet Inn Available in towns.
  • Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors Bertie Crochue's surprise sugared almonds → 3 energies
  • Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors Pumpkin juice → 3 energies
  • Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors Tomato soup → 3 energies
  • Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors Tea → 3 energies
  • Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors Mashed potatoes and sausages → 5 energies
  • Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors Butterbeer → 7 energies
Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors Blue Inn Available in rural areas and towns.
  • Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors Bertie Crochue's surprise sugared almonds → 3 energies
  • Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors Pumpkin juice → 3 energies
  • Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors Tea → 3 energies
  • Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors Honeydukes Chocolate Bar → 6 energies
  • Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors Fish & Chips â†’ 6 energies
  • Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors Butterbeer → 7 energies
Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors Brown Inn Available in rural areas and towns.
  • Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors Bertie Crochue's surprise sugared almonds → 3 energies
  • Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors Pumpkin juice → 3 energies
  • Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors Tomato soup → 3 energies
  • Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors Tea → 3 energies
  • Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors Honeydukes Chocolate Bar → 6 energies
  • Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors Fish & Chips â†’ 6 energies
Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors Pink Inn Available in rural areas and towns, offering less attractive rewards.
  • Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors Bertie Crochue's surprise sugared almonds → 3 energies
  • Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors Pumpkin juice → 3 energies
  • Inns, Dishes and Dark Magic Detectors Tea → 3 energies
Like Pokémon GO with Pokéstops, you will also have to wait five minutes before you can activate the Inn again. The presence of smoke emerging from the chimney indicates that the Inn is developing new dishes, the disappearance of the latter announces that the dishes are prepared and that it is time to go and collect them.

black magic detectors

While it is possible on Pokémon GO to place lures of different types on the Pokéstops in order to attract Pokémon in greater quantities, black magic detectors will have, more or less, the same usefulness on the Inns, since they will make it possible to make Foundables appear, rarer than the average, for a duration of 30 minutes.

Up to three Dark Magic Detectors can be associated with a single Inn, provided you belong to three different wizards, allowing to reveal Grave and Priority category Foundables. These famous Detectors can be obtained as a reward or through Diagon Alley, the in-game store. If you want more information on Harry Potter: Wizards Unite or join an active community to share pleasant moments with other players, we invite you to join the Harry Potter: Wizards Unite France Community Discord.
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