The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables

Unlike Pokémon GO, you will not have to capture Pokémon in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite but Foundables present in the form of magic traces, which include creatures, objects and even characters. These Foundables will be important in your evolution as a wizard, since they will allow you to gain experience, oh so essential in your quest to level up. When you have the opportunity to walk the streets of your city, you will certainly come face to face with Foundables, constituting the basis of the gameplay of HP: Wizards Unite. By clicking on one of the Trace icons displayed on your map, you will access a magical encounter, in which you will discover a creature, an object or a character imprisoned by a Seal, which you will need, as the most discerning will have guessed, free with a spell.

Once the encounter is over and the Foundable is freed, the Foundable in question will be registered in your Registry, an equivalent of the Pokédex. Of course, you will understand, your goal will be to complete your entire Registry, the latter being composed of several families, themselves comprising several pages on which different Foundables are listed. If you manage to capture all the Foundables present on a Registry page, an experience multiplier bonus, called "Prestige", will be allocated for each new magical encounter of said family.

At present, there are more than a dozen different families, each of which has one to three pages. The list of families, pages and associated Foundables is available below. We are not immune to new families, pages or Foundables being made available in the coming weeks, this guide will, of course, be updated accordingly.


The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables Care of Magical Creatures Care of Magical Creatures in English.
  • Hagrid's Cabin
    • Baby Norwegian Crested
    • Buck
    • Hagrid's Cabin
    • Abraxan Winged Horse
    • rubeus hagrid
  • Vegetable garden
    • Baby Hippogriff
    • blooper
    • Monstrous Book of Monsters
    • Acromentula Eggs
    • veracrasse
  • forbidden forest
    • baby unicorn
    • Boursouf
    • Firenze
    • Hippogriffe
    • Dragon Egg
    • Firecracker Scroutt
The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables Forces of Evil Dark Arts in English.
  • Barjow and Berk
    • Disappearing Wardrobe
    • Wanted notice for a Prisoner of Azkaban
    • Of the Great Darknesses of Magic
    • flesh-eating slugs
    • Hand of Glory
  • Knockturn Alley
    • Ministry Executioner
    • Demonzewonder
    • Harpy
    • Knockturn Alley sign
    • Thestral
    • Painting by Bellatrix Lestrange
  • Fallen Ministry Atrium
    • Percival Graves
    • Tombstone of Tom Riddle Sr.
    • Statue Magic is Power
    • Voldemort painting
    • Tom Jedusor
The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables College Hogwarts Hogwarts School in English.
  • Defense Against the Dark Arts (DCFM) class
    • Boggart Wardrobe
    • Gryffindor student
    • Hufflepuff Student
    • Ravenclaw student
    • Slytherin student
  • Hogwarts stairs
    • Four Houses Cup
    • Mimi Geignarde
    • Minerva mcgonagall
    • peeves
    • Pomona Chourave
  • Big room
    • Sorting Hat
    • Fumseck
    • Albus Dumbledore's Golden Lectern
    • Hourglass set
    • Painting by Albus Dumbledore
The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables Legends of Hogwarts Legends of Hogwarts in English.
  • Room of Requirement I
    • Dumbledore's Army Duel Dummy
    • Filch and Miss Ringworm
    • Weasley's Fireworks
    • Young Ginny Weasley
    • Young Luna Lovegood
  • potions room
    • Advanced Half-Blood Prince Potion Brewing Manual
    • Hedwig
    • Professor Snape
    • Sirius Black
    • Young Harry Potter
  • chessboard chamber
    • Albus Dumbledore
    • Flying Key
    • chess queen
    • Hermione Granger young
    • Young Ron Weasley
The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables Ministry of Magic Ministry of Magic in English.
  • Ministry Atrium
    • Ministry Administrator
    • Ministry courier volley
    • Ministry Officer
    • Prophecy Record
    • Daily Prophet Newsstand
  • Ministry Atrium II
    • Cervelles aquarium
    • Bogrod
    • Fountain of the Magical Brotherhood
    • The veil
  • courtroom ten
    • Alastor Maugrey
    • Arthur Weasley
    • Entrance Visitors of the Ministry
    • Wizengamot Accusation Chair
    • Nymphadora tonks
The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables Magizoology Magizoology in English.
  • Norbert's suitcase
    • Baby Niffler
    • Billy
    • Young Grapphorn
    • Niffler
    • Veaudelune
  • Central Park
    • The Botrucs branch
    • Demiguise
    • Eruptive
    • Murlap
    • Pickett
    • Mountain Troll
  • Rue de New York
    • Norbert Scamander
    • Occamy
    • Occamy Eggs
    • Thunder bird
    • Unicorn
The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables Magical Games and Sports Magical Games and Sports in English.
  • World Cup grounds
    • Bavboules game
    • Quidditch World Cup
    • Chudley Cannons player
    • magic megaphone
    • Souafle
  • Hogwarts Quidditch Pitch
    • drummer bat
    • Cognard
    • Quidditch Keeper Ron
    • Quidditch pitch stands
    • Vif d'or
  • Triwizard Labyrinth
    • Goblet of Fire
    • Harry Potter Quidditch Captain
    • Book Quidditch through the ages
    • Nimbus 2000
    • Triwizard Trophy
The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables Mysterious Artifacts Mysterious Artifacts in English.
  • Room of Requirement II
    • Weasley Pendulum
    • Explosive Decoy
    • Hagrid's Umbrella
    • Quill of Acceptance and Book of Admission
    • Rapeltout
  • Dumbledore's office
    • Dumbledore's Memory Cabinet
    • Gryffindor Sword
    • Mirror of Erised
    • Pensine
    • Philosophical Stone
  • Room of Requirement III
    • Marauder's Map
    • Cursed Opal Necklace
    • Moto Volante de Sirius
    • Mad-Eye Moody's Eye
    • Hermione's Time Turner
The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables Wonders of the Wizarding World Wonders of the Wizarding World in English.
  • Room of Requirement IV
    • Music Box
    • Crystal ball
    • Quibbler
    • Harp
    • Plum Blimp
  • Hogwarts door
    • Sirius Black wanted poster
    • Bellowing
    • Graup
    • Magicobus
    • Whomping Willow
    • Weasley's flying car
  • King's Cross Station
    • Baby Mandrake
    • Giant Helmet
    • Enemy Ice Cream
    • Hogwarts Express Locomotive
    • Road Sign 9 3/4
The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables Curiosities Oddities in English.
  • Curiosities I
    • brown centaur
    • Werewolf
    • Leprechaun
    • Vampire
    • Centaur's Bow
  • Curiosities II
    • Doxy
    • Horned snake
    • Horned Serpent Egg
    • resound
    • Leprechaun


The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables Books Books in English.
  • Books I
    • Hogwarts History
    • Lift the veil of the future
    • Metamorphosis manual for beginners
    • Superior Rune Translation Treatise
    • Properties of aquatic plants in the Mediterranean basin
  • Books II
    • The Essentials of Defense Against the Dark Arts
    • History of magic
    • Potions of Great Powers
    • The Book of Spells and Enchantments
    • New Theory of Numerology
  • Books III
    • Simple Spells to Fool Muggles
    • Martin Miggs, the Crazy Muggle
    • The Tales of Beedle the Bard
    • Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore
    • Mischievous spells for pranksters
The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables Pranks Joke Products in English.
  • Farces I
    • Extendable ears
    • Exploding Whizz Popper
    • Tasse à The mordeuse
    • Bombabouse
  • Pranks II
    • Push-Rikiki
    • Teeth Frisbee 
    • Hurleur yo-yos
    • Trick Wand
  • Pranks III
    • Flame Box
    • Canary Cream
    • Portable Swamp
The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables Magical Devices Magic Items in English.
  • Magic Items I
    • Ministry Time-Turner
    • Probity Probe
    • Skeeter’s Quick-Quotes Quill
    • Moody’s Sneakoscope
  • Magic Items II
    • Secrecy Sensor
    • Spectrespecs
    • Deluminator
    • Harry/Sirius Two Way Mirror
The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables Symbols of the Wizarding World Symbols of the Wizarding World in English.
  • Wizarding World Symbols I
    • Dark mark
    • Ministry Crest
    • MACUSA Crest
    • Deathly Hallows
  • Symbols of the Wizarding World II
    • Gryffindor Crest
    • Slytherin Crest
    • Hogwarts Crest
    • Hufflepuff Crest
    • Ravenclaw Crest
  • Symbols of the Wizarding World III
    • -
    • -
    • -
    • -
    • -
The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables Wands of Dumbledore's Army Wands of Dumbledore's Army in English.
  • Dumbledore's Army Wands I
    • Wand of Ron Weasley
    • Cho Chang's Baguette
    • Baguette d'Harry Potter
    • Ginny Weasley's Baguette
  • Dumbledore II's Army Wands
    • Fred Weasley's Baguette
    • George Weasley's Baguette
    • Luna Lovegood's Wand
    • Hermione Granger's Wand
    • Baguette by Neville Londubat

The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables
  • Fenrir Greyback
  • Peter Pettigrow

The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables
  • Dolores Umbridge
  • Draco Malfoy
  • Aragog


The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables Chapter I Chapter I in English.
  • Foundables Spell
    • Daily Prophet
    • Ministry notes
    • Journal de Grim Fawley
    • -
    • -
    • Amorette Deneuve
  • Grim Fawley - Motivations
    • Notes from the Ministry
    • Excerpt from the Daily Prophet
    • Transcription of the London Five
    • Grim's Suffering
    • Penelope's Scarf
    • Wand of Penelope
The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables Chapter II Chapter II in English.
  • Grim Fawley - History
    • Fawley's urn
    • Suitcase of Grim
    • wedding announcement
    • Grim's note
    • Grim Report Card
    • Medallion
  • Grim Fawley - Ministry Archives
    • Still more Unspeakables!
    • Tome Transcript
    • Unspeakable Badge
    • Redacted report
    • Shark key
    • Grim's work
The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables Chapter III Chapter III in English.
  • Penelope Fawley - Story
    • -
    • Badge of Prefect of Penelope
    • Warning from Gethsemane
    • Coded message
    • The London Five
    • -


Shiny Event: Fantastic Fauna and Flora

The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables Brilliant Forbidden Forest Brilliant Forbidden Forest in English.
  • Foundables Spell
    • shiny unicorn
    • Brilliant buck
    • Shiny Scorched Tree Stump
    • Bright young Acromentule
    • Brilliant Snargalouf
    • shiny salamander

Shiny Event: Potter's Calamity

The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables Brilliant Gryffindor dormitory Brilliant Gryffindor dormitory in English.
  • Foundables Spell
    • shiny hadwige
    • Harry's Triwizard Tournament Uniform
    • Molly Weasley Pull for Harry
    • Harry, Brilliant Quidditch Captain
    • Harry's school trunk
    • Mismatched socks

The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables Brilliant Harry office Brilliant Harry office in English.
  • Foundables Spell
    • shiny golden snitch
    • Framed family photo (Ginny, Albus, James, Lily)
    • Daily Prophet: Hogwarts Heroes
    • DJM Badge
    • Harry's Ministry ID Card
    • Photo of the London Five

Shiny Event: Return to Hogwarts

The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables Way 9 3/4 brilliant Brilliant way 9 3/4 in English.
  • Foundables Spell
    • Hogwarts Express
    • Hogwarts Express Machinist
    • Trolley Witch
    • Luggage trolley
    • Brilliant Slytherin student
    • Brilliant Gryffindor student
    • Brilliant Ravenclaw Student
    • Brilliant Hufflepuff Student

The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables Brilliant Hogwarts grids Brilliant Hogwarts grids in English.
  • Foundables Spell
    • Winged boar statue
    • Hogwarts Boat
    • diligence
    • Thestral
    • Shiny Sorting Hat
    • Hogsmeade sign

Non-implemented traceables

The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables Deathly Hallows Deathly Hallows in English.
  • Curiosities III
    • Pukwudgie
    • Sphinx
    • Imp
  • Curiosities IV
    • resound
    • Lethifold
    • Gnome
    • Nagnok
    • dementor
    • Augurey
    • Azkaban Escapee
The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables Registration at Hogwarts Hogwarts Register in English.
  • Symbols of the Wizarding World III
    • Horned Serpent Crest
    • Ilvermony Crest
    • Thunderbird Crest
    • Wampus Cat Crest
    • Pukwudgie Crest
The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables Horcruxes Horcruxes in English.
  • Ø
    • ø
  • Ø
    • ø
The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables Inquisitorial Squad Inquisitorial Squad in English.
  • Ø
    • ø
  • Ø
    • ø
The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables Quidditch Teams Quidditch Teams in English.
  • Ø
    • ø
  • Ø
    • ø
The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables Wands of the Order of the Phoenix Wands of the Order of the Phoenix in English.
  • Wands of the Order of the Phoenix I
    • Remus Lupin's Wand
    • Minerva McGonagall Baguette
    • Wand of Alastor Moody
    • Wand of Severus Snape
  • Wands of the Order of the Phoenix II
    • Molly Weasley's Baguette
    • Wand of Arthur Weasley
    • Bill Weasley's Wand
    • Wand of Fleur Delacour
The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables Dark Creatures Dark Creatures in English.
  • Ø
    • ø
  • Ø
    • ø
The complete list of Families, Pages and Foundables Leaders of the Dark Mages Dark Wizard Leaders in English.
  • Ø
    • ø
  • Ø
    • ø
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