To hope to open a Portkey Trunk, it will first be necessary to be in possession of a Silver Key or a Gold Key. Once the Trunk is unlocked, a certain distance, established according to the type of Trunk, will have to be covered in order to access a cult place in the Harry Potter universe.
The keys

The Portkey Trunks
A maximum of eight Portkey Trunks can be stored simultaneously, the advantage, unlike Pokémon GO, is that they can be used at any time, as long as the conditions are duly met.

While there are three different Portkey Trunks, on the occasion of certain limited-time events, a fourth Portkey Trunk, with which you will have to travel seven kilometers, will appear, allowing you to find shiny Foundables.
Activating a Keychain
Before we start, make sure you have enough space to move around safely. Before touching the Portkey and being transported, you can see a preview of the space required to explore the magical place, a space of three by three meters is especially recommended.Once all the necessary checks have been carried out, all you have to do is place your Portkey on the ground, thanks to augmented reality, a portal will open behind which hides one of the mythical places from the universe. of Harry Potter, among which we will find:
- Cabane d'Hagrid,
- Office of Dolores Umbridge,
- Dumbledore's office,
- Snape's Office,
- Barjow and Berk,
- Boutique d'Ollivanders,
- The Hogwarts Express,
- The Forbidden Forest (only for 7 kilometer Portkeys).

As soon as you have found all the Ruins, you will be expelled from the magical place and returned to your original location on the map. However, it is important to specify that you will only be able to access the portal of an activated Portkey once, you will not be able to return there if you are out of it before having found five Ruins. If you want more information about Harry Potter: Wizards Unite or join an active community to share pleasant moments with other players, we invite you to join the Harry Potter: Wizards Unite France Community Discord.