It looks like a potential leak has come to light about the upcoming King of Fighters 15, which is confirmed to be in development by SNK. The leak is from 4Chan so remember to take everything with a grain of salt. The poster is anonymous, which is normally the case, but it is quite detailed, so as far as anyone knows, it could very well be legit!
General game details
> The format is standard 3 vs 3, no strikers or tag
> Graphics obviously better than XIV and a little more than Samsho
> Many models/animations are reused and modified from XIV to save time, but the ones like Kyo are different
> Teammates are in the background, and will react to things in the game, but they don't step in to save you on a combo
> Midboss is Adelheid, final boss is a crazy Omega Rugal (like 95) who crashes the party like a mix between a koolaid man and a guy from The Shining, Adelheid tries to stop him but gets knocked out making his sister upset, then you fight it
> General ending points on the future involvement of NESTS and those from the past
> Very few animated cutscenes, endings all drawn again, no voice endings
> Special intros are available
> Special XIII-style arcade dialogs in arcade mode, but not all encounters have them
> Special pre-midboss team fights and dialogues depending on the team you are using
> Can see list of special moves in CSS
Mechanical changes
> The bar is now split in two
>Ex moves take half a measure to use
> Two modes of activation: neutral, dash (forward + B + C) called "max advance", basically autodash but also available from neutral
> Neutral flashes red, gives bonus power and disables scaling on combos, can super cancel anything, end activation on super
> Autodash flashes yellow, does not give buffs, combos scale a lot, but allows free cancel like in XIII HD mode (Yuri buttloops?!) But no lvl 1 supers, any super attempt will do lvl 2 and end activation
> Ground CD still sends opponent to wallstick on hit
> Qcf + C + D performs guard crush attack for half a measure, character momentarily flashes with special effect when used, has auto-shield properties, can be canceled for half damage of keeps on block, causes hit deformation, cannot cancel like a regular CD
La liste
> Shunei / Meitenkun / ChengSinzan (Chine)
> Antonov / Sylvie / Mian (official invitation)
> Elizabeth / Kukri / Ash (Mysterious)
> Kyo / Beni / Goro (the strongest in Japan)
> Terry / Andy / Joe (FF)
> Ryo / Robert / Yuri (AOF)
> K / Maxima / Kula (K)
> Ralf / Clark / Leona (Ikari)
> Heidern / Whip / Angel (Recon)
> Chris / Yashiro / Shermie (Band)
> Chizuru / Najd / Shingo (Saint)
> Iori / Mature / Vice (Orochi)
> Gai / Nelson / Tizoc (Ring Sports)
> King / May / Zarina (Women XV)
> Kasumi / LiXiangFei / Hinako (Martial Arts Girls)
> Athéna / Kensou / Chin (Psycho Soldat)
> Needle / Luong / May (Kim)
> BlueMary / Vanessa / Ramon (Agent)
> Oswald / Shen / Duo (Shanghai)
> Geese / Huh / Billy (Southtown)
> MrBig / Ryuji / Jack (Gang)
> Xanadu / Chang / Choi (criminal)
Some team stories
China: Tung caught Cheng doing dirty things and as punishment made him take his place in KOF
> Official invitation: Antonov declared himself unfit to host the KOF and therefore handed it over to Adelheid and aims to win his title deservedly
> Mysterious: Elizabeth in serious mode seeing if those from the past are involved in KOF anyway, Ash just wants to follow because he's bored and Kukri wants to collect emails to spread on the internet (joke)
> Recon: Angel is tagged by Heidern because she is a former NESTS (SNK originally wanted to use John Crawley in this location but decided against it...), so Angel leaves her old team
> Group: Upon realizing they've resurrected, return to the KOF stage to "have some fun", raise orochi, and hunt down the red-haired man
>Holy: Najd met Chizuru at her shrine and asked for her help to feel the evil at KOF (surprise), Shingo was there and decided to join them
> Iori: always wants Kyo, his two partners in crime to help and also react negatively to the group team as if they are protecting Iori
> Ring Sports: They competed together in a gymnasium and realized they should be a team. That's all. By the way, Tizoc is back, so no more tail wagging and biting
> Martial Arts Girls: Similar to above, but they didn't spare each other, they just met and got along and demonstrated skills to each other and therefore decided to use KOF as a means of show off their martial arts, and Kasumi hopes it will boost a signal to help her find her father, and Li is just hungry...
> Kim: Gang-he got really drunk and hurt himself doing stupid tricks to show off and landed in the hospital, May Lee finished his replacement, May Lee and Luong have a conflicted relationship with Kim at the environment
> Shanghai: working together for different interests that share the same journey
> Gang: Mr. Big had a meeting with Ryuji and offered him a lot of money to join KOF and take care of the geese there and Jack works for Mr. Big
And that's the whole leak, if that's true then the next King of Fighters XV should be a very interesting game.
However, aside from the small teaser shown at Evo 2019, which only showed the project logo. No other information has been released about the upcoming fighting game, not a release date or what systems the title will be released on. We'll have to wait and see if this leak has any merit once the information is officially announced!