In Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, you will have to make many decisions at the beginning of your adventure that will impact the rest of your experience. The house, the wand or the profession will be some of these points on which it will be necessary to take care to reflect for a few minutes. While the first two will have little bearing on your gaming experience, and will no doubt be largely based on personal preference, the job, on the other hand, will be of great importance since the skills and characteristics of your character will differ depending on your choice. However, it is important to specify that unlike the choice of teams on Pokémon GO, that of the profession will in no way be final and can be changed as you see fit, without losing your progress.
The choice of your profession will only arise when you have succeeded in reaching the 6 level in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite. Once you have reached the minimum level required, you will be offered three professions: Auror, Magizoologiste or Professor. Of course, as you can imagine, each profession has its own interest, has its strengths and weaknesses and has a skill tree.
To help you make your choice, we are going to introduce you to the three professions, while highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. There exists, in United Wizards, three types of enemies, Dark Arts, Magical Creatures and Curiosities. Each profession is either effective, vulnerable or neutral against each of these enemies, but none of them will be powerful in all circumstances, hence the importance of having balanced groups in Fortresses, where each profession will be duly represented.
In the Harry Potter universe, an Auror is a member of a special elite of the Ministry of Magic whose primary role is to track down and imprison dark mages, in addition to being responsible for ensuring the safety of the magical community and to fight against the rise of black magic. In Wizards Unite, Aurors will, of course, be primarily combat-focused and will allow you toinflict heavy damage, however, their defense will not be their strong point.
Effective against Dark Arts
Vulnerable to Magical Creatures
Aurors are veteran fighters who triumph over enemies by combining their leadership qualities with numerous crippling spells. Aurors are particularly effective against the forces of evil.
Magizoology is the study of magical creatures, the latter being classified on five levels allowing to know their potential danger. In Wizards Unite, Magizoologists specialize in healing to support their teammates in combat. Have good defense and resistance, their support will be essential during certain confrontations. However, their attack power is much lower to that of Aurors and Professors.
Effective against Magical Creatures
Vulnerable to Curiosities
Trained to heal and protect magical creatures, Magizoologists focus in battle on healing and supporting their teammates. Magizoologists are more effective against beasts.
Professor constitutes, without a doubt, the most versatile and balanced profession of all. Capable of inflicting significant damage, while providing significant support, the professors will, for sure, be essential in all types of encounters. Gifted withhigh precision and unparalleled attack efficiency, they don't have much that they lack.
Effective against Curiosities
Vulnerable to Dark Arts
Professors are expert spellcasters, able to use their vast knowledge to weaken enemies while supporting their teammates. Professors are more effective against Curiosities.
Stats Auror Magizoologist Professor Stamina 296 525 397 Power 100 59 79 Protego Power 35% 49% 45% Accuracy 35% 20% 23% Critical Power 120% 98% 111% Boon Power 148% 148% 150% Defense Against Disadvantage 50% 60% 50% Defense 39% 50% 44% Defense Breaker 32% 22% 15% Dexterity 15% 20% 32% Max Focus 10 12 15 Base Focus 4 5 4
The information in this guide is destined to evolve, so we invite you to come and read it regularly to find out what's new. It is possible that in the future, in a need to bring precisions to the various professions, we plan to propose specific and specialized guides for the three trades available on Harry Potter: Wizards Unite : Auror, Magizoologist and Professor. If you want more information about Harry Potter: Wizards Unite or join an active community to share pleasant moments with other players, we invite you to join the Harry Potter: Wizards Unite France Community Discord.