Many images are taken from the sneak peek that was unveiled at San Diego Comic-Con last July, like this introduction where Scott Lang takes advantage of his new notoriety after defeating Thanos in Avengers Endgame. But these moments of joy and peace are only short-lived, as he and his family find themselves thrust into the Quantum Realm to deal with a new threat. This is where the tone of the film switches to finally offer us a darker story than all the other Phase 4 films and finally discover a Jonathan Majors who is more hostile than ever. The trailer also allows us to discover Bill Murray, described by many leaks as being one of the antagonists of the film, hoping that it is not a false villain as could be Jeff Goldblum in Thor 3 or Benicio del Toro in Guardians of the Galaxy 2. We will have to wait until February 15, 2023 to find out for sure, when the film will be released in cinemas in Spain.