Definitely, nothing is going well for Battlefield 2042. While the community around the game has melted like snow in the sun, Electronic Arts and DICE are convinced that it is still possible to save the soldier BF 2042, undoubtedly against winds and tides. A new tune-up has been curated by Ryan McArthur (Senior Producer) and Lars Gustavsson (Creative Director), to provide some insight into what's in store for players in the coming months. The latter have admitted that certain modes no longer have their place in the game, and this is the case of the Hazard Zone mode which is therefore abandoned by the production teams. In fact, the mode will still be accessible, but there will be no follow-up from DICE, which prefers to focus on other more important topics, always with regard to Battlefield 2042 of course.
Everyone on the team had high ambition and high hopes for this new Battlefield experience throughout our development, but we're the first to raise our hands and acknowledge that it hasn't found its way into Battlefield 2042 and that we prefer to focus and use our energy on the modes you are most engaged with. Hazard Zone will remain in the experience, we are not removing it, but beyond fixing any bugs that may appear in the future, there will be no more tracking for the mode, and you will find that new Upcoming maps will not be supported in Hazard Zone.
Explicit words to say the least that will help relieve the teams, forced to save what remains of this game, which was unfortunately released in haste. Of course, this Season 1 will make it possible to add content, such as new maps, but DICE now knows that it is necessary to concentrate on what still works. The 128-player "Breakthrough" mode has also borne the brunt of this reorganization, but it is still salutary to see that DICE still believes in its baby, born prematurely...