Bayonetta 3: the dubbing scandal takes a new turn, it gets complicated

    Bayonetta 3: the dubbing scandal takes a new turn, it gets complicated

    On October 15, 2022, the small world of video game dubbing was shaken by the unexpected intervention of Hellena Taylor, an actress who had so far lent her voice to Bayonetta in the first two episodes. In a series of videos posted on her Twitter account (some seen nearly 10 million times), she accused PlatinumGames of having offered her a shameful fee for her stature and the work to be done. According to her, $ 4 was submitted to her for the entire dubbing of the game, money which she refused, pushing her at the same time to launch a call for a boycott, by proposing to the public not to buy the game. and spend that money on charity. For its part, the Japanese studio has called on Jennifer Halle to replace Hellena Taylor. But the story took a new turn when the Bloomberg newspaper claimed that the sum offered to Hellena Taylor was not $000 for all the work to be done, but $4 per dubbing session, which was to count at least five. Also according to information from Bloomberg, provided by PlatinumGames, Hellena Taylor would have claimed a six-figure sum to continue doubling Bayonetta. The actress obviously denied the accusations of PlatinumGames as a whole and for the moment, the confidentiality clause which binds the two parties prevents knowing the truth in this affair. More recently, PlatinumGames posted a message on its social networks to publicly support Jennifer Halle, now considered to be the new voice of Bayonetta.

    The PlatinumGames team sincerely thanks everyone who has helped create the Bayonetta series over the years, as well as the community that served as its foundation. We give our full support to Jennifer Hale as the new Bayonetta, and we endorse everything she said in her statement. We ask everyone to refrain from any further comments that would disrespect Jennifer or any other contributors to the series.

    A Message from PlatinumGames

    — PlatinumGames Inc. (@platinumgames) October 21, 2022


    This total support from the Japanese studio is of paramount importance, especially with certain players who worship the very special voice of Hellena Taylor. Even in Japan, it is her performance that is considered to be the reference to the character of Bayonetta, including in the game Super Smash Bros. If we will have to wait a little longer before knowing the outcome of this sad story, a question is now on everyone's lips, do dubbing actors deserve a six-figure salary, if we refer to the comments made? by PlatinumGames from Bloomberg, even for a game that generates millions of dollars? It remains to be seen now if the public will follow the boycott of the actress in support…

    Friends, Worldlings, Bayonutters. Hear ye!#PlatinumGames #Nintendo #Bayonetta #Bayonetta3 #Bayonutters #Boycott #NintendoEurope #NintendoAmerica #NintendoJapan

    — Hellena Taylor (@hellenataylor) 15 octobre 2022


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