Gamertags are a key part of the gaming experience, especially when it comes to multiplayer and online play. It can sometimes be difficult to find one, especially when there are millions of players on all platforms who have already chosen the most common ones! So, here are some ideas for creating a good gamertag name.
The name of the game… is the naming
We all know that when you log into a match and see someone named George59658741245658 it's probably a noob…or a bot (sorry George!), you don't want to be in the situation where your name sounds like you've just bought your first console and left with a spam account to get things done as quickly as possible.
The right name takes finesse, passion, it must be a work of art. I'm kidding of course, but it has to be cooler than your name + random numbers/letters, so here are some ways to find something good and original.
Choose a favorite character or location in a game/movie
We know that sometimes this can be easier said than done, especially if you want your name to be Michael De Santa, Lara Croft or PipBoy – but there are ways to incorporate it without it losing its sound. advantage. Mix it up with another aspect of the game such as a place name or meaningful association, eg Michael De Santos; or if you have an expedition fantasy like HarleyQuinn-Wayne!
There are plenty of gamertags out there already, but if you keep assembling your favorite parts of your best game, you're sure to find one available eventually!
Use your real name
Forgive us if this seems obvious, but sometimes it works! People change gamertags all the time and some people have unique sounding names too! If you're a bread-and-butter Thomas Jones, you'll probably be out of luck (sorry Thomas!) But if your parents really chose something exotic, your gamertag could be the name on your birth certificate!
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be fun
Humor is one of the best things in life, so get creative with your gamertag name and incorporate some comedy! You can still play around with existing terms like HanzoFromMaine instead of Hanzo Main, or SoyBoyBetaCook instead of the original quote, it's always sunny in Philadelphia!
Just remember this, there once was a guy who wanted the name WarChief but accidentally wrote WarChef, and he's forever immortalized in the internet gaming hall of fame, aim big!
Use your pet's name
Sometimes you give your pet a really cool name, and that name can also be used in a gamertag! As Sean Connery said in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade "we named the dog Indiana".
If you gave your pet a great name like Atticus Roadstar Stallion or something like that, consider using it! If someone walked me into Call of Duty Warzone with a name like that, I would definitely remember it.
Keep it simple
As much as you might have a very elaborate name inside in mind that will definitely be available, remember to keep it simple. As stated earlier, you don't want to look like a spam bot with a thousand digits after your name. So Pricefield-87837808 is out of the question, even if the number happens to be Nathan Prescott's PUK.
Gamertags can be hard to imagine, and I'm sure you were hoping for a massive list of names to choose from, but the best name really is the one you choose for yourself. Choose something that matters to you and that you will be proud to wear! Failing that, find several items in your room and mix them up, like FerrariZeldaSantaClaus.
If you want to check if your name is available, there's a handy gamertag checker for Xbox – if you're really out of ideas, there's a generator there too!
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