The Elder Scrolls series has always been huge with modding, and it's the same with The Elder Scrolls Online, so here's a list of eight of the best mods or addons for the game.
Best Addons for Elder Scrolls Online
Here are some of the best mods for Elder Scrolls Online. But, before you start, as always, be sure to read mod descriptions before downloading, as some mods may become outdated or not compatible with other mods.
Also remember that downloading mods is at your own risk – some may crash or bug your game. That being said, here are the best addons for The Elder Scrolls Online.
Banker is a pretty useful mod that lets you keep track of items and keep your inventory clean while stacking items and displaying gold amounts.
Multi-quest tracker
Multi-Quest Tracker is a handy mod that hides the default quest tracker and activates a new one that will hide when you open game menus.
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MundusMap is a small but useful mod that displays all the Mundus stones on the main world map so you can have an easier time tracking them all.
Craft Research Timers
Crafting research timers display how much time you have left on various research projects, how much time you have left to complete crafting research for traits and riding skills.
Sell ornate items
Sell Ornate Items adds an option to sell all available ornate items in your inventory when talking to various in-game vendors, so you get back to adventuring as quickly as possible.
Daybreak is a remodel mod that adds various visual effects such as extended view distance, improved shaders. We also recommend downloading it only if you are interested in a reshader mod, as they can often decrease performance on smaller machines.
MiniMap by Fyrakin v2.74
MiniMap is a small but decent mod that adds an efficient and customizable FPS mini-map with a full list of features so you can easily find where you want to go.
SkyShards is a mod similar in nature to Mudusmap. This is because it also adds a creator to the world map, but instead of it being for Mundus stones, it adds a pin for all Skyshards in the game.
For more on the Elder Scrolls series, we at PGG recommend checking out the two Elder Scrolls: Blades Silver Chest Update: Reduced open time, no longer spawn in the Abyss, and more! and Elder Scrolls: Blades Microtransactions & Currency List – How to Get Gems and Gold.