With the 10th anniversary of its release (and the remastered Anniversary Edition) just around the corner, there's been a massive surge in interest in Skyrim. Both old and new players have reignited interest in finding the best mods for the game, of which there have been many. In fact, Skyrim holds the record for the most mods created for it.
The problem is that with so many mods, it's hard to find the best ones. However, we have what you need! We've filtered through the massive list of mods to find some of the best available based on their popularity, usefulness, and how often they're updated. Check out the list below to see what we consider to be the best mods for Skyrim, along with a brief description of what they do!
The shortlist
Best Mods for Skyrim
For a brief description of the mods, check them out in the list below!
Quality world map with map of Solstheim
The video above explains this mod very well and is the best way to see the mod in action. Basically, this mod provides a much higher quality map for the game than the default map included. More than that, it describes the roads between towns, making finding your way a lot easier!
Link: Quality world map with Solstheim map
Unread books shine
Unread Books Glow really is as simple as it sounds. It is one of the oldest mods in the game and one of the most beloved. Simply put, it makes all the books you haven't read glow blue. Without this mod, it's much harder to distinguish between books you've read and books you haven't read yet. For anyone who wants to know the story of the game without sifting through the books they have already read, this mod is perfect!
Link: Unread Books Shine
Related: Skyrim Item Code List
Sounds of Skyrim
Sounds of Skyrim is one of the must-have mods to add to the game if you want to immerse yourself more in the atmosphere. There are three different packs you can add to improve game quality for any setting: Wild Sounds, Civilization Sounds, and Dungeon Sounds. In total, this collection of mods adds nearly 500 new sounds to the game to get you involved and enjoying Skyrim again.
Link: Sounds of Skyrim
Become a bard
The video above breaks down all the best details of this mod and is the best way to see it in action. In summary, this mod adds a Bard class to the game for players who are tired of playing as warriors or wizards. It lets you play any type of instrument in the game and gives you the ability to impress and win favor with townspeople through song. And speaking of songs, this mod adds over 100 new ones!
Link: Become a Bard
The forgotten city
This is considered by many to be the best mod for Skyrim due to the quality, content and value it adds to the game. It not only includes an entirely new area for players to play but also quests. Perhaps one of the most appealing things about it is mentioned in the description: it's the only mod for a game to consistently win a Writers Guild award for its writing. With additional hours of play, it is also possible to turn it into its own game!
Link: The Forgotten City
SkyUI does exactly what we all need from a UI mod: improves it and makes menu navigation much more advanced. With this mod, players no longer need to navigate complex (but still limited) menus and instead have better capacity and more access to what they need. Watch the video above to see the mod in more detail!
Link: SkyUI
Improved towns and villages
Like Sounds of Skyrim, Towns and Village Enhanced is a collection of mods all developed by one person that adds an immense amount of beauty and immersion to the game. Although the mods are no longer updated, for the most part they shouldn't cause any errors as they only change the aesthetics of the game. Each city is beautifully redesigned to let you experience Skyrim in a whole new way!
Link: Improved Towns and Villages
Related: How to Cure Vampirism in Skyrim
Path to the Moon in Elsweyr
Moonpath to Eleswyr is a standalone mod and a combo pack. To enjoy the mod, you just need to download the base pack. However, there are additional plugins that provide a high definition texture pack and some followers. This pack is similar to The Forgotten City in that it functions as a full expansion pack, adding a whole new area with quests, dwellers, and atmosphere!
Lien: Moonpath to Elsweyr
Overhauled character creation
The video above describes the character creation overhaul mod and is the best option to see how it works in the game. In summary, this mod greatly improves the character creation mechanics at the start of the game. It adds details specific and features unique to each race and class that alter their stats and even playstyle in some ways. This mod prides itself on giving players over 200 character combination paths at the start of the game!
Link: Character Creation Revamp
The Elder Scrolls Questline
The video above gives a glimpse of what this collection of mods looks like in action. Simply put, it is a small library of mods that add new areas and quests to the game, making it perfect for players who have experienced the game multiple times and crave more adventure.
That's it for our list of the best mods for Skyrim! Which one do you prefer?
Now that the 10th anniversary has arrived, be sure to check our Skyrim homepage for the latest content, news, and game guides!