Best Priest Decks in Scholomance (August 2020) - Standard & Wild!

Best Priest Decks in Scholomance (August 2020) - Standard & Wild!

Priest is your most healer and control based class in Hearthstone. Their decks have been hit or miss over the years, but every once in a while they rise to the top! We take a look at the best Priest decks you can play with in the Academy of Scholomance expansion. The class has new things to play with, so there will be new options to integrate into the Standard or Wild ladder.

The Priest class is one that has had quite a few ups and downs over the course of Hearthstone. Unfortunately, it's generally leaned further into the bottom category, with many metas with the class struggling to find a foothold. However, there were some power moments for Priest, especially around the Highlander Priest combo decks which eventually got hit with nerfs. Dragon Priest has also been a popular archetype that has been in and out of the meta depending on the expansions that were part of Standard. Big Priest was another archetype that found success and caused a lot of controversy. He continued to wreak havoc on poor Wild players who could be beaten in round four by a Barnes in the curve! This deck has since been nerfed, bringing relief to fans of the eternal format.

Best priest decks for Scholomance Standard

The best decks for Priest in the meta right now are Galakrond Priest and Resurrect Priest! This is before the Scholomance meta, so there will be changes in the coming weeks. Priest has some pretty cool cards in the set, so we'll take a look at how the decks work.

The new decks below are theory for the new expansion for now, but once it's released we'll update the list with tested decks for you to try!

Theorycraft: Thief Priest

It's a pretty fun deck that will let you use a lot of your opponent's deck against them! Mindrender Illuscia being one of those crazy cards that Priest got, you'll be trading hands and decks with your opponent until the end of your opponent's turn. This will probably give them a pretty bad turn if you play it early, or you might use some of their important cards on your turn, messing up their game plan! Brittlebone Destroyer is another card quite interesting, if your health changes the turn you summon it, you can destroy a minion of your choice. It's a very good suppression with a body behind that is still quite powerful.

Director Kel'Thuzad finds a place in the deck to use a card like Shadow Word: Death to not only remove a minion, but also put it on your side to punish your opponent! Initiation is used in the same sense, you can potentially remove a minion and summon a new copy on your side.

Credit to RegisKillbin for the list featured below.

Paladin Neutral
2x - Sungill imprisoned 2x – Oracle Grimscale
1x – Make mummies 2x – Murloc Tidecaller
1x - Murgur Murgle 2x-Murmy
1x – Sir Finley of the Sands 2x – Bluegill Warrior
2x - Underlight fishing rod 2x – Fishflinger
1x – High Abbess Alura 2x – Licensed Adventurer
2x – Tip the Scales 2x – Coldlight indicator
2x – Murloc Warchief
2x – Felfin Navigator
2x – Fish Flyer

Bridge code

AAECAZ8FBIOhA5OlA / y4A8PRAw3FA9sD / gPjBacIr6cDm6kDyqsDuLYDyLgDybgD + 7gDh9QDAA ==

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Before expansion: Galakrond Priest

Galakrond Priest is a fairly standard deck built by Galakrond that uses a lot of Invoke cards and puts them into one deck. It reminds me of the Dragon Priest of old, where you would throw in all the dragon and dragon synergy cards and come out with a really good deck.

Priest Neutral
2x – Disciple of Galakrond 2x – Shield of Galakrond
2x – Renew 1x – Kronx Dragonhoof
2x – Penance
2x - Pee-voile seat fence
2x – Shadow Word: Death
2x – Thought Steal
2x – Apotheosis
2x – Breath of Infinity
1x – Madame Lazul
1x – Mindflayer Kaahrj
2x – Shadow Madness
2x – Weaver of Fate
2x – Temporal Rip
1x – Galakrond, the Unspeakable
1x – Soul Mirror
1x – Murozond the Infinite

Bridge code

AAECAa0GBuubA4WtA46xA + O0A8i + A8jAAwwe3AHTCpmpA9esA9qsA / KsA / 6uA82vA5O6A5u6A6 + 6AwA =

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Before Expansion: Resurrect Priest

Priest Neutral
2x – Renew 1x – Archimage Vargoth
2x – Penance 2x – Bad Luck Albatross
2x – Breath of Infinity 2x – Bone Spectrum
2x - Rune grave 2x – Defender of Khartut
2x - Sacred New
2x – Psychopomp
2x – Convincing Infiltrator
1x – Galakrond, the Unspeakable
2x – Skeletal Dragon
1x – Soul Mirror
1x – Catrina Death
2x – Mass Resurrection
2x - Death Plague

Bridge code

AAECAa0GBNaZA5ObA8i + A8jAAw3JBoKUA5mbA6GhA6 + lA/KlA5mpA5 + pA9msA/KsA/2wA5O6A9jCAwA =

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Best Priest Decks for Scholomance Wild

Wild can be a bit tricky to predict, so here's a look at some decks that have done well on the Wild ladder. You'll find that Wild's meta doesn't fluctuate as much as Standard does when a new expansion is released. This usually only happens if a particular Standard deck is very dominant. Normally, you'll notice that only the most powerful cards in the set find their way into decks.

Avant l'expansion: Wild Highlander Priest

Highlander Priest has been one of the strongest decks in Standard for quite some time. This version of the roster that is played in wild stacks in a group of strong dragons that Priest has had over the years, then adds lots of other strong Priest cards to create a pretty solid control-based deck.

Priest Neutral
1x – Forbidden words 1x – Bloodmage Thalnos
1x – Scale Cleric 1x – Rat sale
1x – Northshire Cleric 1x – Novice Engineer
1x – Madness Potion 1x – Zephrys the Great
1x – Twilight Whelp 1x – Gluttonous Ooze
1x – Penance 1x - Kazakus
1x – Shadow Visions 1x – Drake azur
1x – Shadow Word: Death 1x – Grand dragonnet
1x – Spirit Lash 1x – Reno Jackson
1x – Breath of Infinity 1x - ghost rôdeur
1x – Duskbreaker 1x – Reine-dragon Alexstrasza
1x – Mass Dispel
1x – Spawn of Shadows
1x-Agent drakonide
1x – Mass Hysteria
1x – Raza the Chained
1x – Dragonfire Potion
1x – Psychic Cry
1x - Dark Anduin

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