Within each of the three playable classes in Dragon Age Inquisition, players have three specializations to choose from. Players will find earlier access to each of these specialization lines within their comrades. There is a comrade for each of the specializations, so experimenting and leveling each will give players a good idea of how each works. With that information in mind, here are the best specialization options available in each of the classes.
Best Mage Class Specializations
The three specializations of the mage class are the Necromancer, the Knight-Enchanter, and the Rift Mage. Necromancer is Dorian Povus' specialization, which players find by aligning themselves with mages. Knight-Enchanter is the specialization of Vivienne, a character that players can find at the party they are invited to after announcing themselves in Orlais. Finally, Rift Mage is Solas' specialization.
Necromancer Distribution
The Necromancer focuses on debuffs, healing, and creating other targets for the enemy. This focuses the most on Spirit Damage and is the most natural specialization for a Healing Mage to take. While not incredibly powerful, this option can give healing characters a bit more bite.
Rift Mage Distribution
Rift Mages focus on crowd control by manipulating the veil and creating rifts. This can be very useful for players who want to be more tactical within their party. However, it is not the most powerful option in mage specializations.
Enchanting Knight Breakdown
Knight-Enchanters are the strongest mage specialization and can allow players to complete a full single-player game. This specialization allows players to transform their staff into a spirit blade. As a mage tank, this class line provides a blade, shield, cloak, and disruption field.
Related: All Specializations In Dragon Age Inquisition
Best Rogue Class Specialization
The three specializations in the Rogue class line are Artificer, Assassin, and Tempest. Artificer is Varric Tethras' specialization. Assassin is Cole's specialization, the companion found when players align themselves with the Templars. Storm is Sera's specialization, the character found by following notes left by Friends of Red Jenny in Orlais.
Artificer Distribution
Artificer is a crowd control based class line offering many different traps and buffs for companions. It not only offers standard bear traps, but also elemental mines and the ability to swap locations with another party member. Although offering a tactician position within the group, it is certainly not the best specialization.
storm blackout
Tempest is an elemental and poisonous AOE damage dealer. Focus on weakening enemies and trapping them in poison fields. Although it's a stronger damage dealer, it's still not the best specialization.
Distribution of assassins
Assassin is a heavy DPS glass cannon built with the ability to turn invisible. This class line is almost exclusively about dealing damage and nothing else. It's the ultimate option in rogue specializations, being incredibly lethal, with easy evasion.
Related: Best Dragon Age Inquisition Companions
Best Warrior Class Specialization
The three Warrior class specializations are Champion, Reaver, and Templar. Templar is Cassandra Pentagast's class specialization. Reaver is The Iron Bull's specialization, a salvaged companion on the quest to pursue the Bull's Chargers. Finally, the Champion is the specialization of Blackwall, the character found in the search for the lost guardians.
Breakdown of champions
Champion is the classic tank build option with some crowd control. This class line mainly focuses on building the player's armor and lasting a fight as long as possible. However, since this class line doesn't really focus on damage support, it's not the best specialization.
Templar breakdown
Templars focus on supporting the rest of their party and debuffing magical enemies. This can offer a lot to players who want to have their party on their side and survive every fight. However, unless it's the general playstyle the player is looking for, it's not a super powerful specialization.
Reaver Break
Reaver is a heavy DPS and AOE warrior, with a balance between sacrificing health to deal more damage. This is the best warrior specialization because it offers an incredible amount of damage and can heal itself. The only downside is that this specialization can be a little weak against a large number of enemies if they have no support from their team as they can quickly become overwhelmed with damage as their low health deals bonus damage.
The three best specializations
Image de Thekingplayers
So, after selecting the nine different specializations available in Dragon Age Inquisition, there are three options at the top. Knight-Enchanter for Mage, Assassin for Rogue and Reaver for Warrior. Each of them offers the most damage versus protection to make them substantial in a fight and capable of solo play. While these are the best options for any player, they may not be the best for certain playstyles. As secondary options, Necromancer for Mage, Storm for Rogue, and Templar for Warrior make excellent choices.
For more Dragon Age Inquisition content, be sure to check out Where to Find All Dragons in Dragon Age: Inquisition on Pro Game Guide.