Since the Company of Heroes 3 release date is still out of date, SEGA and Relic Entertainment studio can continue to tell us about the aspects that shaped the development of the game. Today, the team in charge of the production return to the authenticity and realism that occupied the minds of the developers. And despite being a real-time strategy game, it was important that every detail was present in the game, such as visible damage to vehicles caused by artillery. It will not be uncommon to see the impact of bullets appear over the fights. Likewise, in the modeling of each of the vehicles, everything has been meticulously elaborated, whether it be accessories or offensive tools, even if they are not visible to the naked eye from the outset. If Company of Heroes 3 wants to be realistic, it does not forget the notion of spectacle and the designers of the game did not hesitate to swallow hours of documentaries and films on the Second World War for the rendering to be the most faithful. possible. This is the case for weapons, but also explosions and the impact that this can generate afterwards. We feel everyone's investment in this Dev Diary, and we can't wait to know the game's release date.