One of the most important, but least explained, aspects of The Ascent is your cyberdeck. This gear is your key to unlocking your path to better weapons and gear, as you build your ultimate killing machine in this dystopian cyberpunk RPG. What exactly does the cyberdeck do and how do I upgrade it? Let's take a look at our The Ascent Cyberdeck upgrades guide.
The cyberdeck is a hacking tool, and a very good one. This handy device can do everything from opening locks, breaking into ATMs, and taking over automated turrets and mortars. As long as you're standing near hackable technology and have a high enough cyberdeck level, you're in control.
To boost your cyberdeck, you need to find cyberdeck upgrades. Each upgrade increases your cyberdeck level, up to ten possible levels. Each level unlocks an additional ability for the cyberdeck. One level will allow you to open higher levels of locks, another will allow turret hacking, and so on.
As your cyberdeck maxes out at level 10, there are over ten upgrades to find. Some are easily located when you complete story missions, others are off the beaten path, and a few require you to have sufficient unlock privileges (from previous cyberdeck upgrades) to access them.
Ascent Cyberdeck Upgrade Locations
Ascent Cluster 13 Cyberdeck Upgrade
The first and easiest Cyberdeck upgrade to find is in Cluster 13. It's in the urban area with all the shops where you get to after the first mission. Head to the upper left corner, directly northwest of the armory. You will find the upgrade on the balcony at the top of the stairs.
The Cyberdeck Ascent No Man's Land Upgrade
This upgrade is easy to miss. On your way to the Grinder, you'll pass through an area called No Man's Land. Look for a small, one-story building with "Q72" painted in large letters on the street in front of it.
The building is easy to locate thanks to the large neon sign on the roof. On the left, a staircase. Take these stairs to the roof, head to the upper right corner and locate the upgrade inside the chest.
Ascent Black Lake Towers Cyberdeck Upgrade
This upgrade is almost impossible to miss. Progress in the story. During the Trading Places mission, you will be sent to the Black Lake Tower area, to a building called Coder's Cove.
There will be a short cutscene, after which you can walk through your southwest door and find the upgrade sitting on some boxes.
The Cyberdeck Ascent AG Vault Upgrade
This is another hard-to-miss upgrade. Continue through the Data Miner main story mission. Eventually, you will come to a large elevator, which takes you to a lower level.
Downstairs, follow the narrow hallway, into an open room nearby. You will see a locked chest with a level 2 lock. Directly next to the chest is the cyberdeck upgrade.
The Ascent Cosmodrome Cyberdeck Upgrade
This upgrade is easy to pick up during the Alien Code mission. In theory, you're chasing someone trying to escape, but in practice, they're nice enough to give you some time to explore.
Once you arrive at the Cosmodrome, pay attention to the numbers and letters painted on the structures. In the northwest corner of the area, there is a building labeled C6.
Head inside and look for the two side-by-side chests on your map. Head in that direction. Eventually you will come to a door with a level one lock. Now you should be able to hack this.
Open the door and go inside. The upgrade is in a red chest in the north corner of the room.
L’Ascent Lanier’s Apartment Cyberdeck Upgrade
The Trace Protocol mission will send you to Lanier's apartment. After some history, you will be tasked with checking the security office. This one is very easy; the upgrade is right in front of you once you enter the office.
The Ascent ExMat Lab Cyberdeck Upgrade
This next upgrade is also part of the Trace protocol. You'll enter a lab (essentially the only clean place in the entire game), fight a few enemies as you progress.
Head to the northwest area, until you find a larger square room with computer banks around the perimeter. The upgrade is on the left side of the room, sitting on one of the computers.
The Cyberdeck Ascent Pinnacle Upgrade
Towards the end of the game, you climb to the highest level in town, called the Pinnacle.
As soon as you arrive, circle clockwise around the large circular opening in the floor. Once you get to the far right you can go through a door to a large open balcony.
While you're enjoying the view (look, sky!), walk up to the railing. The upgrade is near the edge, at an outcrop.
Cyberdeck Upgrade The Ascent The Glut
In the Glut, near the metro station, there is a prison. The cyberdeck upgrade is inside, but the inside of the prison can only be accessed once you've started the Prison Break side quest.
Find Alex, an NPC standing on a helipad in the Glut. He will ask you to go take out a robot inside the prison.
Once you have the quest, head to the subway station. The prison is just to the northeast. Go through the entrance and follow the perimeter of the building all the way around.
The cyberdeck itself is in the southwest corner of the building. You don't need to kill the robot to get the cyberdeck upgrade, but you might as well complete the side quest while you're at it.
The Cyberdeck Ascent Nitroad Upgrade
On the outskirts of the Warrens level, you'll find Nitroad, a battered industrial district near Black Lake Towers.
Look for a freestanding building, labeled Storage 16B and BioChoice Pharma outside. Opening the door requires the ability to open level 2 locks. Inside is a red chest, containing the upgrade.
Once you collect 9 upgrades, your Cyberdeck will be fully powered, giving you maximum hacking ability. You can find the other upgrades, but you won't be able to collect them. Now that you're an unstoppable hacking machine, consider turning your attention to side quests and working on your perfect build. For these and more, be sure to check out all of our The Ascent guides.