Slayer Perks in Dead by Daylight, help create the most ultimate builds that help Slayers dominate Survivors with every try. These perks improve Slayers' chances of hunting, catching, and hooking Survivors.
Dead by Daylight Killer Perk Tier List
These perks are the top 10 Killer perks of each tier; based on S-tier perks, (most superior or elite) and ranked against C-tier perks (medium). Here is our Dead by Daylight Killer perk tier list.
Benefits of Level S
- BBQ and chilli (the cannibal)
- After hooking a Survivor, all Auras of other Survivors within 40 yards are revealed for four seconds. Each time a survivor is addicted for the first time, gain a stacking bonus of 25% on all Bloodpoint gains, up to a maximum of 50/75/100%.
- The call of a nurse (the nurse)
- The auras of survivors who heal or are healed are revealed when they are within a range of 20/24/28 meters.
- Discordance (The Legion)
- Any generator being repaired by two or more survivors within 64/96/128 meters will highlight the aura of the generators. Once the first spawner is highlighted, Discord triggers a loud noise notification on the spawner.
- Pop goes the weasel (the clown)
- After hooking a survivor, the first generator the killer damages will instantly lose 25% progress.
- Tinkerer (The Hillbilly)
- 70% repaired generators trigger a loud noise notification and the killer gains the undetectable status effect for 12/14/16 seconds.
- Infectious fear (the plague)
- Whenever a survivor is put into the dying state, all other survivors within the killers terror radius will scream and reveal their auras for up to six seconds.
- Corrupt Intervention (The Plague)
- At the start of the trial, the three generators farthest from the killer will be blocked by the entity for 80/100/120 seconds.
- Thrilling Tremors (The Ghost)
- After picking up a survivor, any generators not repaired by the survivors are blocked and their auras are revealed to the killer.
Related: Best Killer Perks in Dead by Daylight
Benefits of Level A
- Monitoring (the pig)
- Highlights the aura of regressing generators and increases the distance at which repair sounds can be heard.
- Hex: Ruin (The Hag)
- A hex that affects the regression speed of all Survivors' Generators to 100/150/200% of normal speed, when unrepaired.
- The hex effect persists as long as the associated hex totem is standing.
- Bamboozle (Le Clown)
- Perform Vault actions at 5/10/15% faster speed and summon entity to block this Vault location for Survivors for 8/12/16 seconds
- Hex: Immortal (The Blight)
- Reveal the auras of survivors up to four meters from any dull totem.
- The hex effect persists as long as the associated hex totem is standing.
- Save the best for last (form)
- Each time the Killer hits a non-Obsession Survivor with a Basic Attack, gain one token, up to a maximum of eight tokens.
- Each time the Killer hits Obsession with a Basic Attack, Save the Best for Last loses up to four Tokens.
- Sloppy Butcher (TOUS)
- Wounds inflicted by Basic Attacks cause Survivors to suffer Bleed and Status Hindered effects.
- Bleeding increases Survivor Bleed Rate by 50/75/100%. Both status effects are removed once the Survivor is healed.
- Surveillance and abuse (the doctor)
- Slayer base terror radius increased by eight meters.
- When the killer is outside of a chase, the terror radius is reduced by 16 yards; while the killer's field of vision is increased by up to 10 degrees.
- Enduring (The Hillbilly)
- Duration of paddle stuns reduced by 40/45/50%.
- Brute Force (The Trapper)
- Breaking pallets and breakable walls, as well as damaging generators are 10/15/20% faster.
- Hex: No one escapes death (ALL)
- Once the exit doors are powered and there is at least one dull totem left in the trial; Slayers' movement speed is increased by up to four percent, and Survivors will suffer a permanent Exposed status effect.
Related: Best Survivor Builds In Dead by Daylight
Tier B Benefits
- Whispers (all)
- Hear the voice of the entity sporadically when a survivor is within 32/40/48 yards of the killer's location.
- Grudge (the Spirit)
- Becomes obsessed with a survivor. Each time a generator is completed, the Slayer's aura is revealed to Obsession for up to five seconds, and all Survivor locations are revealed for three seconds.
- The disappearance of Franklin (the cannibal)
- The Killer's vicious basic attack causes Survivors to drop their item on impact. Retrieve the item within 90/120/150 seconds, or the lost item will be consumed by the entity. Auras of lost items within 32 meters are revealed, but will slowly fade until time runs out.
- Maléfice: Devour Hope (The Hag)
- Each time a survivor is saved from a hook while the killer is at least 24 yards away, Devour Hope receives a token.
- Two Tokens: 10 seconds after hooking a survivor, gain up to 5% haste status effect for the next 10 seconds.
- Five Tokens: The Killer has the option to kill all Survivors with his own hand.
- Dragon's Grip (The Blight)
- After throwing a generator for the next 30 seconds, the first survivor to interact with it will scream, revealing their location for four seconds, and suffer from the exposed status effect for 60 seconds.
- I am all ears (the ghost)
- Any Survivor performing a rushed action within 48 yards of your location will have their aura revealed for six seconds. I'm All Ears can only be triggered once every 60/50/40 seconds.
- Hex: Haunted Earth (Spirit)
- When either hex totem is cleared, all survivors suffer from the exposed status effect for 40/50/60 seconds. The second hexagonal totem will immediately turn into a dull totem.
- The hex effect persists as long as the associated hex totem is standing.
- Take your pick (the pig)
- Whenever a survivor is rescued from a hook when the killer is at least 32 yards away, Make Your Choice will cause the rescuer to suffer from the exposed status effect for 40/50/60 seconds.
- Stridor (the nurse)
- All Survivors' pain grunts are 50% louder and their regular breathing is 25% louder.
- Play with your food (shape)
- Become obsessed with a survivor. Each time the killer pursues his Obsession and lets him escape, Play with your food receives 1 token, up to a maximum of three tokens.
- Each token applies a stacking effect of up to five percent haste status, with a maximum of 9/12/15%.
- Performing a basic or special attack consumes a token.
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C-level benefits
- Mad Grit (The Legion)
- Successfully hitting a Survivor will pause the Survivor's undulating progression for up to four seconds.
- Overload (the doctor)
- Damaging a generator overloads it. The next Survivor who interacts with him will face a difficult skill test. Failing the skill check results in an additional loss of progress of up to five percent.
- Blood Keeper (The Nightmare)
- As soon as at least one exit door is opened, Blood Warden is activated. The auras of survivors in the area of the exit door will be revealed to the killer.
- Once per trial, hooking a Survivor while Blood Warden is active, causes the Entity to block all Survivor exits for 30/40/50 seconds.
- Iron Maiden (The Legion)
- The Killer opens lockers 30/40/50% faster. Survivors exiting lockers suffer the Exposed status effect for 30 seconds and their location is revealed for four seconds.
- Iron Grasp (all)
- While carrying a Survivor, the Killer's powerful grip makes escape nearly impossible for Survivors. Survivor's combat effects from Tremor are reduced by 75%.
- The time for the survivor to break free from the killer's grasp is increased by up to 12%.
- Fire Up (The Nightmare)
- Each time a generator is completed, Fire up increases in power. Get a stacking action speed bonus of up to four percent for picking up and dropping survivors, smashing pallets and breakable walls, damaging generators, and jumping windows up to a max bonus of 15/17,5 / 20%.
- Steadfast Presence (The Trapper)
- Skill Check proc chance is increased by 10% for all Survivors repairing, healing, or sabotaging within the killer's terror radius.
- Skill check pass areas are reduced by 40/50/60%.
- Restlessness (the trapper)
- While carrying a Survivor, Slayer movement speed is increased by 6/12/18% and Terror Radius is increased by 12 meters.
- Dying Light (the form)
- Become obsessed with a survivor. Each time the killer hooks a survivor, other than his obsession, he will earn a token.
- While the Obsession is alive, all other Survivors suffer a stacking repair penalty of up to three percent. Healing and sabotage speeds per token, up to a maximum of 22 / 27,5 / 33% or 11 tokens.
- Obsession is unaffected by this penalty and instead grants a permanent 33% action speed bonus to unhook and heal other survivors. The killer can only be obsessed with one survivor at a time.
- Hex: The Third Seal (The Hag)
- The last two to four survivors, hit by the Slayer's basic attack, suffer from the blindness status effect.
- The hex effect persists as long as the associated hex totem is standing.
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