After a year of updates and the addition of new characters every two to three months, Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba: The Hinokami Chronicles will soon welcome its latest fighter in DLC. This is Gyutaro with his pale complexion, his protruding bloodshot eyes and his green hair, he has something to scare his opponents. It must be said that the latter did not have an easy life as a human and it was only by becoming a demon that he was able to gain respect. Having become arrogant and with a tendency to underestimate his adversaries, he nevertheless displays a mad love for his sister whom he is ready to defend at the cost of his life. Endowed with bloodthirsty power, Gyutaro is able to manipulate the blood of his own body in various ways, either from his Kama flesh, through open wounds on his body, or by releasing blood at will from his veins. The whole is also well transcribed in the gameplay video that follows.
Gyutaro will be available on November 19 on all consoles on which it was released, including Nintendo Switch.