Do palm trees grow back in Stranded Deep? The short answer is no. Palm trees do not respawn in Stranded Deep.
Although some plants in the deep sea survival game grow back, most do not. This includes young ficus and pine trees. Any tree that provides you with wooden sticks does not regrow.
However, it should be noted that the young palm reappears. How long does it take for young palm shoots to grow back? About two days in game. Keep in mind, however, that a young palm tree will never develop into a palm tree.
Why don't palm trees grow back deep?
Stranded Deep is a survival game about exploration. The goal is to eventually leave your small starting island and explore the ocean. You're supposed to find what's hidden on the many other islands in the game, as well as what's in its dark and deep depths.
Palm trees do not regrow because if they did, you might not investigate far from your initial island. It's one of many mechanics that require you to explore.
Maybe you'd never find the megalodon or the giant eel if you didn't set sail, and you'd never come across all the vehicle parts to build the gyrocopter or motorized raft if you stayed in one place forever.
It's possible the devs will fix a palm tree respawning at some point, but given how long the game has been in Early Access and how long it's been missing, such an addition is highly unlikely.
How to transport wooden sticks between islands
Since you'll need to island hop to chop down palm trees, it's worth making sure you have the inventory space to carry the maximum number of wooden sticks at once.
While you could dedicate all of your inventory slots to wooden sticks, chances are you'll bring other tools, like the ax (duh), the stone-cutting tool, and maybe a spear or a gun for defense.
All things being equal, your nine-slot inventory will contain 36 staves, though you can't carry anything else. Practically, you could only carry 27 sticks. However, if you took eight crates, you could carry 96 wooden sticks and an ax in your inventory. Each case can contain 12 wooden sticks.
It's highly doubtful you'll need to carry that many wooden sticks at once, but it's worth making the best use of your inventory space when exploring new islands.
For more on Stranded Deep, be sure to check out our other guides while you're here, and stay tuned to GameSkinny for more on the survival game. You never know: maybe palm trees will grow back one day.