New Monster Hunter Rise and Nintendo Switch players now have one crucial question in mind now that the game has released on both platforms: Does Monster Hunter Rise have cross-play?
Like Monster Hunter World and its expansion Iceborne, Monster Hunter Rise does not support any form of cross-play. This means that Nintendo Switch and PC players are completely separated from each other and cannot play with each other.
Cross-platform play has been a much-requested feature ever since Monster Hunter World released on Steam following its PlayStation 4 release. cross-platform support at launch and none announced for the future.
Related Guides
Monster Hunter Rise is available now on PC via Steam. Check out some of our Monster Hunter Rise guides as you learn your way and progress through the game.
Will the Monster Hunter series ever be cross-play compatible? Time will tell, but from last gen to this one, Capcom has kept it in a single-platform ecosystem and that seems unlikely to change anytime soon.