In the dark and dangerous world of the Underworld, the illustrious Circle of Elden, the vital source of the World Tree, was shattered. After the Night of the Black Knives and the Shattering, the long-lost Grace is heard again.
Our story begins with the awakening of a young man with amnesia, dressed in simple underwear. The latter is helped by a mysterious young woman, Melina, who invites him to follow her advice to reach the World Tree and fulfill his destiny. Given the capabilities of this Shinless, the path looks much more complicated than expected...
The Elden Ring manga will benefit from simultrad, which was a sine qua non for the implementation of this project, the idea being to counter piracy as much as possible. A translation, lettering and proofreading team will be set up to adapt the Japanese version in record time. Moreover, it is specified that the chapters in French version will leave 24 to 72 hours maximum after the Japanese version and the first three chapters will be available free during 6 months.
Read Chapter 1
Read Chapter 2