“We listened to the community. This is how we could sum up in one sentence the presentation of FIFA 23 which lasted 1h45. Aware that FIFA 22 has not been spared from the critics despite the updates rolled out since, the developers have listened and taken some notes to improve what must be improved in the eyes of the fans. True pride of the Canadian studio, the HyperMotion technology has been boosted to further enhance the realism of the animations and better transcribe the intensity of the matches. Whether it's contact, control, ball handling or even strikes, everything has gained in naturalness. By deciding to capture the movements of the players during an 11 v 11 game on a real pitch, EA Vancouver has undoubtedly found the formula that allows it to be as faithful as possible to the essence of football. Sam Rivera (Line Producer – Match Experience) highlighted the fact that the slidy motion phenomenon has been corrected in order to give the feeling that the players are firmly attached to the field when dribbling. Each step taken actually sticks to the slightest change of direction, which considerably reduces collision bugs. In the same spirit, the behavior of doorkeepers in aerial duels has been retouched. In theory, we should no longer see the polygons overlapping in a hazardous way, the goalkeeper now being aware of both the space he has and the positioning of the opponent to intervene effectively.
By simultaneously pressing L1 and R1, there will be a way to trigger a powerful and precise strike, and therefore increase the chances of planting a goal. The animation being slower than that of a classic shot, it will be necessary to have the free field under penalty of having the leather stolen.
The defenders are not left out since all of their animations have been reworked. More concretely, they are no longer content to face the attacker but use the recoil-brake to slow down his run and prevent him from hitting. It must be admitted that this facet of Hypermotion2 works particularly well – sometimes even overdoing it – the rear guard being careful to put their hands behind their backs while stretching their leg if it is on the ball trajectory. Of course, kicks or blocked passes aren't new to FIFA, but now it's less frustrating to see players trying to voluntarily interfere. Sam Rivera also spoke about the sprints which will be less predictable than in the past. Clearly, the races will be divided into three categories: explosive, regular and controlled. An explosive player will be able to put three meters to his direct opponent, but if the latter can gradually increase his top speed, he will have the possibility of catching up as the race progresses. We imagine that this system was put in place to reduce large rides, even if we can already assure you that Mbappé and Vinícius Júnior act as aliens. In the trial version given to us, these two were unattainable, with or without the ball. With Sam Rivera promising to say more about how it's all calculated in the coming weeks, maybe this FIFA 23 feature will be less of a blur.
For his part, Kantcho Doskov (Game Design Director – Gameplay) was responsible for introducing Power Shots, the equivalent of Stunning Kicks in eFootball 2022. By pressing L1 and R1 simultaneously, there will be a way to trigger a powerful and precise strike, and therefore to increase the chances of planting a goal. The animation being slower than that of a classic shot, it will be necessary to have the free field under penalty of having the leather stolen. And even if it makes sense, note that aiming is not automatic: you will have to target the goals yourself. Unlike Konami's simulation, in which Stunning Kicks can be used for passes or crosses, Power Shots will be limited to strikes. The other point on which EA Vancouver drew our attention is on free kicks and crosses whose mechanics have been reworked. In addition to measuring the power, using the right stick, we will also have to choose the impact zone on the ball to determine the trajectory, the height or the effect. We do not hide from you that the exercise requires training and that our attempts have not all been crowned with success, but with practice, we are guaranteed that we will be able to do a Roberto Carlos in bypassing the wall. On the penalty side, a kind of dynamic crosshair has been added under the ball to impose a timing on the player. No need to draw you a picture: the smaller the circle will be at the time of the shot, the higher the success rate will be. Depending on the attributes of the batter, the conditions will be more or less easy, knowing that the context of the match will also be important.
We feel that the developers wanted to calm the pace by forcing us to build our actions as should be the case in any simulation worthy of the name, but the series quickly falls back into its traps.
Controller in hand, FIFA 23 leaves a mixed impression. We feel that the developers wanted to calm the pace by forcing us to build our actions as should be the case in any simulation worthy of the name, but the series quickly falls back into its traps. Clearly focused on the offensive, she tries to create an illusion with small spaces and low blocks. The truth is that despite EA Vancouver's good intentions towards defenders, it remains difficult to contain opposing attackers. Beyond the skill moves likely to cause a peno when they are mastered, we were amazed to see how much the side deserted their lane. The wings then become toll-free highways where you can center in an armchair. Although the weight of the players has been significantly increased, they are still capable of flashes that recall the arcade orientation of the franchise. In short, even if the developers assure that FIFA 23 is in line with the latest FIFA 22 updates, they have no reason to deny their game principles since there is no competition in face. So yes, in terms of achievement and immersion, FIFA has no equal. But rather than raving about the celebrations of the players, the anthems of the clubs, the songs of the supporters, or the degradation of the lawn, we would prefer to enjoy gameplay that is both more balanced and less festive.