Naturally, such punishments would have no flavor without a worthy bestiary. A point on which Mihir Sheth reassures by affirming that if SIE Santa Monica Studio had to restrict itself four years ago, this time, the teams were able to integrate all the creatures and bosses they wanted, with in particular a design specific to each of the Nine Kingdoms of Norse mythology. In the same vein, Bruno Velazquez, the animation director, recently indicated that the PS4 version of God of War Ragnarök did not limit the ambitions of the developers in any way.
“There are a number of things that we absolutely wanted to achieve such as closing the story, doubling the cast, having a richer bestiary, or even creating executions specific to certain weapons. Everything that we wanted to integrate from the start , we were able to do it on PS4, he pointed out. So we never felt that we were hindered by technical constraints. The PS5 was just a way to make the game better. " For the record, the release of the game is set for November 9th. One more thing: watch out for the big leaks currently circulating on the Web if you don't want to be spoiled for the story of God of War Ragnarök.