Ashes of Outland begins the New Year of the Phoenix in Hearthstone, marking the inclusion of the 10th Hero Class: the Demon Hunter. It also brings plenty of new cards – such as the Prime Legendaries – and brave, unexplored mechanics.
This Hearthstone guide will provide you with a list of the best standard decks for the Ashes of Outland meta.
Hearthstone: Best Standard Decks for Ashes of Outland Meta
Burn Demon Hunter
This is a fast-paced demon hunter game that focuses on early damage and a deadly final burst combo. It involves several new cards, such as Kayn Sunfury, Kael'thas Sunstrider, and some big burn spells, such as Metamorphosis and Inner Demon.
You need Kayn Sunfury to render all enemy taunts useless, so you can take on Inner Demon. But to make Inner Demon castable for free, you need Kael'thas Sunstrider.
Skull of Gul'dan and a few other cards will help you draw all the pieces needed for your combo, so you can pretty much hit that deck's burn plane in every match.
Bridge code:
AAECAea5AwTMugPaxgPDvAOuugMN4LwD98gD1MgDusYD / MgD17sD / 8gD1cgDi7oDh7oDx8YD2cYD29MDAA ==
Spell Token Druid
The new Druid deck focuses on ramping, using cards like Overgrowth and Nourish, as well as spell synergies that will ultimately lead you to playing the deck's finisher: King Phaoris.
The game plan is simple: you try to level up as quickly as possible using Innervate, then cast your token and card spells until you get Ysera, Unleashed, or King Phaoris.
On the side, you have enough suppression spells and even some taunt mechanics, such as Archspore Misshi'fn and Gift of the Wild, to be comfortable.
Bridge code:
AAECAZICBNigA / atA666A / G6Aw1AX / 4BxAbFlAPTnAOvogPcogOxrAPlugPougPuugPvugMA
death rattle hunter
Historically, the Deathrattle Hunter archetype has been very successful. This time, the new iteration features a powerful combo, which can be achieved by copying Zixor, Apex Predator's Deathrattle using cards like Mok'nathal Lion, Teron Gorefiend, and Nine Lives.
Zixor, Apex Predator puts a copy of Zixor Prime in your deck after it dies. With the help of all the cards mentioned above, you will have multiple copies of Zixor Prime. Then you can use buffs, such as Scavenger's Ingenuity and Scrap Shot to make them even stronger.
Upon completion, you will have multiple copies of Zixor Prime upgraded and ready to summon each turn. As you know, Zixor Prime makes three extra copies of itself when played, so your opponents will need a lot of suppression spells to be able to handle them all.
Bridge code:
AAECAR8EuwWDuQPUugO2uwMNqAKHBPKWA + SkA52lA46tA / uvA / yvA864A6S5A / a6A / m6A / + 6AwA =
magic mage
Although this deck is almost entirely spell-based, there are plenty of spells here that summon minions. But don't think you won't have minions on board. You'll actually get several with the help of cards like Learn Draconic, Netherwind Portal, Apexis Blast, Deep Freeze, and Power of Creation.
The most important card in the entire deck is the Ashes of Outland Incanter Flux. This two-mana spell reduces the cost of all your spells by 1 mana. This is a big deal, especially if you're setting up to play a legendary evocation spell that fills your hand with more random spells.
Bridge code:
AAECAf0EBJ + bA7mlA4y2A8W4Aw3DAbsCyQOrBKCbA / + dA / SrA / GvA8G4A8K4A4y5A4G / A97EAwA =
Murloc Paladin
Murloc Paladin is back!
This fun archetype has been dead for a while due to a rotation of a few very important Murloc cards. But now he has new tools in the form of Murgur Murgurgle, which spawns a legendary minion of Murgur Prime, and Felfin Navigator, which is essentially another copy of the infamous Murloc Warleader map.
This list also includes Hand of A'dal, a new buff spell that also draws cards. The rest is the same old Murloc company, which many of you should be familiar with if you've played this type of game in the last couple of years.
Bridge code:
AAECAZ8FAvy4A + 2 + Aw7FA9sD / gPjBacItZgDr6cDm6kDyqsDrrADybgD9rgD + 7gDysEDAA ==
Quest Buff Priest
This new priest deck focuses on the new legendary card Reliquary of Souls, which costs only one mana. When it dies, it places a Prime Reliquary minion in your deck, which has Lifesteal and Taunt. He is immune to enemy spells and hero power.
The other cards are designed to make many copies of the Reliquary of Souls, such as Shadowy Figure, Teron Gorefiend, Wretched Reclaimer, Psychopomp, and Catrina Muerte.
Overall, if you manage to activate all of these cards, you'll have over a dozen copies of the Reliquary Prime minion in your deck, which is more than enough to win any game.
Bridge code:
AAECAa0GCpObA5 + pA92rA9msA4WtA5a6A9S6A8i + A86 + A6bVAwrJBu + SA4KUA6GhA6 + lA7alA5mpA5O6A5u6A6 + 6AwA =
Stealth Secret Thief
As the name of the deck suggests, the two main mechanics of this archetype involve stealth and covert minions. This combination is extremely annoying for any opponent, as it will be very difficult to react to any of your plays.
The best new secret in the game is Bamboozle, which turns any of your attacked friendly minions into one that costs 3 mana. Not a bad deal for only the cost of 2 mana.
But the main stage is dedicated to Greyheart Sage, who draws cards from you whenever you control a minion with stealth.
Bridge code:
AAECAaIHBLICwa4D0rkD + 8QDDbQB7QKIB4 + XA5u2A7m4A7q4A8y5A865A8 + 5A9C5A7m + A9m + AwA =
Chaman Totem
Shaman's hero power is truly his main weapon. You will use it every turn as the cards in this list mostly focus on strengthening your totems.
Teron Gorefiend is a great example of a card that brings all your totems back with +1/+1 stats. You can use Totemic Might and Totemic Surge for 0 mana to make them even bigger.
The finishing touch is Bloodlust's ancient but golden combo, which will serve as a finisher. If all goes as planned, this deck can end things on turn five or six.
Bridge code:
AAECAaoIAualA9S6Aw6BBL4G8AeTCcaZA52jA9WlA9qlA / mlA7WtA7atA9u4A9y4A5a5AwA =
Zoo Warlock
Zoolock decks have been pretty much the same over Hearthstone's last few years. However, with the arrival of Ashes of Outland, it finally has some fantastic new games to show off.
For example, try to level up by using two copies of Darkglare and harnessing your hero's power. Then use Maiev Shadowsong on Imprisoned Scrap Imp and buff all your minions twice as many times.
Finally, try discarding Hand of Gul'dan using Soulfire, Expired Merchant, or Nightshade Matron and draw three cards for free instead of paying the full 6 mana.
Bridge code:
AAECAf0GAta5A + 2 + Aw4wzgfCCIidA / ukA / 2kA4GlA / muA7C2A7q2A7W5A7a5A8e5A8u5AwA =
Galakrond Warrior
Warrior is probably the only class in the new meta that won't find a better way to win than the Galakrond archetype.
The only other card worth mentioning is Kargath Bladefist, which puts an incredibly powerful legendary Kargath Prime minion into your deck when it dies.
Kargath Prime is a massive 10/10 minion that grants you 10 bonus armor each time he kills an enemy minion. This, in combination with Galakrond, The Unbreakable, will always make for one of the best control decks in Hearthstone history.
Bridge code:
AAECAQcEkAPjtAO + uQPFwAMNFhzUBNypA9itA9qtA / 6uA6qvA9KvA6S2A6u2A7y5A5y7AwA =
That's it for the best standard decks for the Ashes of Outland expansion. For more Hearthstone guides, check out the list below: