Just as you can move all of your Hitman (2016) content, including unlockables, levels, and costumes, into Hitman 2, Hitman 3 carryover allows players to carry over Agent 47's past exploits, making Hitman 3 the biggest in the series. content hub ever.
The process of importing your Hitman and Hitman 2 content into Hitman 3 is relatively simple, but not without some hurdles, some of which will be resolved in the coming days. For now, here's what you need to know about how to move content from Hitman and Hitman 2 into Hitman 3.
Hitman 3 Transfer Guide
Importing Hitman and Hitman 2 content to Hitman 3
The first thing you need to know is this: you must transfer content into the same ecosystem, so if you purchased Hitman and/or Hitman 2 on Xbox, you cannot acquire the free upgrades on PlayStation 4 or PS5 .
However, they are transmitted from one generation to another. So, for example, I was able to move my Hitman career from Xbox One to Xbox Series X.
How to Reschedule Hitman (2016) Content
If you already own Hitman (2016) as a total package or each of its episodic levels individually, you will be able to unlock everything for Hitman 3 by:
- Access the in-game store
- Claim Hitman GOTY Access Pack
This includes the entire first game, including the Patient Zero DLC campaign, which is included even if you haven't purchased it before, so enjoy the potentially new content.
How to Transfer Hitman 2 Content
Once you've carried over everything from the first game, you can do the same for Hitman 2, by:
- Claim Hitman 2 Standard or Hitman 2 Expansion Passes
You can do this whether you physically or digitally own the previous games, but it should be noted that players who physically own the games must take an extra step.
- First, load up Hitman 2 and make sure you've already transferred your content from the first game into this one.
- If you haven't, it will be in the store menu, just like Hitman 3. Claim it in Hitman 2 and also claim the Hitman 3 access passes as they apply to you, including again the first game, the second game and the extension for the second game.
Once claimed, you will no longer need your discs for Hitman or Hitman 2.
Go back to Hitman 3 and follow the steps above, claiming Hitman 3 access passes for previous games. This will bring all levels and content from previous games into this week's new release, making Hitman 3 a hub of over 20 locations and levels.
Import Hitman 2 Save Data to Hitman 3
Unlike Hitman (2016), players can also advance their specific Hitman 2 save data, immediately unlocking not only pre-order levels and costumes, but all of their previous unlocks such as challenges, weapons, and even games. achievements or trophies, which will unlock instantly. wherever you've earned them before.
When you first start Hitman 3, you will be prompted to perform this one-time transfer. This is optional, but please note that if you choose to do this later, it will erase your Hitman 3 save data and cause you to start over.
It wouldn't be a big deal except at the time of writing (and frankly all my review time with the game) that transfer tool was broken. Agreeing to make the transfer is supposed to take you to a website, but the site is currently not loading and we don't yet know when it will be fixed.
As soon as IO Interactive has its data backup website up and running, we'll update this guide with additional steps, but as of now, we've yet to see what this process has in store. It looks like it will be easy and enjoyable once the site is up and running, at least.
In the meantime, you'll want to decide whether it's worth waiting to advance your Hitman 2 save data or just start over when you replay those levels like everyone will need to do with Hitman (2016) anyway.
Transfer Hitman content from Steam to the Epic Games Store
Because Hitman 3 is an Epic Games Store exclusive on PC, IO Interactive previously stated that transferring previous content from Steam to EGS would be difficult, if not impossible, and decided to offer players a heavily discounted Access Pass for previous games as a solution.
But that didn't sit well with players, causing IO to rethink its plans. This week, the studio revealed that Steam gamers wouldn't have to buy anything from EGS that they already own on Steam, but warned that the solution to this is still currently elusive.
In short, if you're playing on the Epic Games Store after previously playing on Steam, you'll need to be patient if you want to unlock previously purchased content for free. As above, we'll update this guide once IO reveals how it plans to fix this issue.
That's all you need to know about transferring and claiming Hitman and Hitman 2 content via the Hitman 3 transfer feature. For more tips and help, be sure to stay tuned, and if you're new to the game, consider heading over to this tips and tricks guide that teaches you about hotkeys and more.