JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All Star Battle R: Risotto Nero arrives as reinforcements, here is its gameplay trailer
In case the 50 playable characters of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle R were not enough for you, know that a new character will enrich the roster in a few days. This is Risotto Nero, known for his dark side and especially his Metallica stand which allows him to manipulate metal thanks to short-range magnetism and by calling on beings who reside in his blood. Risotto also has this ability to anticipate the movements of his opponent, just to be one step ahead. Risotto Nero is the first of four new characters that will grace the Season Pass (20€), knowing that it is possible to buy each character individually. Here is the trailer with gameplay while waiting for the arrival of Risotto Nero, scheduled for October 28th.