Your skills will be tested throughout your journey in Kena Bridge of Spirits, and you'll be sure to take a few hits and need to heal Kena's bubble shield when it's overloaded.
Read on to find out how to heal faster than your auto-regeneration in Kena Bridge of Spirits.
How to heal in Kena Bridge of Spirits
Kena Bridge of Spirits features self-healing, so the first and most obvious way to heal during battle is to simply back off until it starts to proc. Self-healing is incredibly slow though, and when you have enemies blowing your neck it's not the best option, which is where the second path of healing comes in.
At the start of Kena Bridge of Spirits, the game will introduce you to the idea of healing plants. After that, almost every battle in the game has at least one in the arena.
You can see what the glowing blue plants look like in the image above. The trick is that you must have at least a full rot gauge in order to use the plant.
If you have a gauge, head to the plant or aim at it with L2, then press the square button to send the rot to it. The rot will automatically use the plant and bring its healing to you, however, each plant only has one use. Some battles have multiple plants around the arena, but if there is only one, it means you can only heal once.
How to Increase Kena's Health
Kena Bridge of Spirits also has a way to increase Kena's max health. There are Meditation Points scattered around the game world, and each one you use increases the size of Kena's health bar.
Meditation points are easy to notice as each is marked with a glowing blue circle on the ground, and they're usually a little off the beaten path. As long as you explore a bit, you should have no trouble finding them.
That's all you need to know about healing at Kena Bridge of Spirits. Be sure to check back for more Kena guides, like how to fast travel and all rot locations.