One of the longest questlines in King's Bounty 2 is The Scryer's Trial, which requires you to face a series of pre-determined battles, including one against the Tyrant.
The Tyrant is by far the most difficult as you only have two units in your army, a bone dragon and a minion squad. Although it will undoubtedly take you a few tries, here is an explanation of the best way to beat the Tyrant.
King's Bounty 2: How to Beat Tyrant's Trial
As with every battle in King's Bounty 2, your first choice is where to place your units. With this trial, your best bet is to place both the bone dragon and the gargoyles on the right side.
You want enemy units to group together, and placing your units all the way to the right should encourage them all to move that way. If there aren't at least three grouped units, use your first turn to move out of enemy range to try to regroup them. Make sure the gargoyles can't be hit by any enemies because you'll need them in a second.
Once three enemies are grouped together, one of which should be the Soul Eaters, hit them with the Plague spell at the start of your turn to weaken them.
After that, move your bone dragon so it's on a tile between the three enemies you hit with the plague and use the dragon's putrid breath attack. It will deal massive damage to all three enemies, cause poison, and cannot be countered. Now grab your gargoyles and bring them to attack the Soul Eaters, using their first ability.
It's important to point out here that no matter what you want, keep the Soul Eaters away, as they can derail your entire strategy with their brutal Scream attack which deals damage and stuns any unit around them. After taking out the Soul Eaters, you'll want to focus on the trolls, as they also have a mind-blowing attack.
Another important point here is that all three Hollow Blades units are immune to counterattacks, so keep that in mind. Try to preserve your gargoyles for as long as possible and make sure to use their second special attack on at least one enemy, causing bleeds and weakness.
As the enemies cluster around your bone dragon, use your second plague spell to hit those with the highest hit points, then continue to blast your bone dragon and gargoyles.
Eventually, you'll need to use the bone dragon's healing ability, which will restore it to full health. If possible, fly the dragon out of range of the enemy unit, then heal it, then keep the dragon away until its putrid breath recharges.
As the battle draws to a close, it's a great strategy to finish things off; hit the remaining enemies with Putrid Breath then fly away until it recharges and start again. As stated earlier, the putrid breath attack cannot be countered, so you won't take any additional damage.
Honestly, the Tyrant Trial requires a bit of luck, so don't be discouraged if you don't beat it the first few times. To make things easier, however, here is a summary of the key points.
That's it for how to defeat the Tyrant in King's Bounty 2. Check out our other King's Bounty 2 guides here on GameSkinny.