Ten years later, Lollipop Chainsaw will be entitled to a remake. This is indeed announced in a tweet by Yoshimi Yasuda, the boss of the Dragami Games studio where the game is currently under development. For those who have doubts about the credibility of the project, remember that Yasuda-san is the ex-boss of Kadokawa Games which, at the time, published some Grasshopper Manufacture games such as Lollipop Chainsaw, but also Killer is Dead. And since the guy also worked on Lollipop Chainsaw as a producer, we can trust him. In addition, you should know that in its ranks, Dragami Games has a number of developers who worked on the original version released in 2012. In short, everything looks well put together.
Lollipop Chainasaw Remake の 発 表 に 関 す る Producer message を お 届 け し ま す… !!!
Please check Producer message about Lollipop Chainsaw Remake.# lollipopchainsaw # Lollipop Chainsaw pic.twitter.com/ILeLTKNVZ3
— Yoshimi Yasuda (@yasudaD5) 5 juillet 2022
Why a remake? “Unfortunately, there are several factors that make Lollipop Chainsaw no longer easy for fans to play, and players have not been able to enjoy Lollipop Chainsaw for a while now,” said Yoshimi Yasuda. “We, the developers of the original game, consider the game precious and don't want to let it disappear in limbo. So we acquired the license rights from Kadokawa Games and decided to make a remake. We have already contacted Warner Bros. to tell them about the project, and they made the choice to support us in this adventure."
Yasuda-san explains that we should expect some differences compared to the first Lollipop Chainsaw, especially in terms of the soundtrack which will include new music and will not include all of the licensed pieces present in the 2012 version. Given the technical specificities of today's machines, Dragami Games intends to bet on much more realistic graphics. Finally, if we don't know if Suda51 was asked for this ramake, we do know that the release of the game is already scheduled for 2023 on platforms that have not yet been specified.