Metroid Dread: How to Get the Grapple Beam Early

Metroid Dread: How to Get the Grapple Beam Early

One of Metroid Dread's smartest secrets is getting the Grapple Beam early. Metroid has always been known for its secrets, so it's no surprise that the latest installment has some surprises and secrets for particularly determined players.

This quick walkthrough will walk you through how to get the Grapple Beam early in Metroid Dread, long before you're supposed to.

Where To Find The Early Beam Grapple

The secret path can be accessed once Samus has grabbed the Varia suit, so she will already have the Charge Beam, Morph Ball, and Wide Beam upgrades. The Varia Suit allows Samus to safely explore the heated passages now.

To start, Samus must use the red teleportal to reach Cataris. You'll find yourself above Kraid's lair, but that's not where you're headed.

Instead, backtrack to the upper right of the map to take the train to Dairon. Once there, drop down and go left until you reach an apparent dead end (the purple teleportal will be on the left). Shoot the floors and fall down, then head to the right to reach the first of a series of high-heat rooms.

Metroid Dread: How to Get the Grapple Beam Early

Metroid Dread: How to Get the Grapple Beam Early

Keep going until you reach the heated room with an energy tank sitting on a platform above the lava. There is a destructible floor block on the right side of this room that leads to a secret door.

The next piece is where things get downright painful. This long lava-filled passage requires demanding slippery jumping skills at both ends to pass.

For the first, you need to slide through a small opening right next to the entrance to the room, then jump left just as Samus gets to the end of the slide and jump the wall to the right to reach a long, thin passage. above the lava.

Once you've rolled to the end of the platform, there's another tricky slide jump. Samus will need to stand at the opening here, slide right, then jump to just the right spot in the slide to reach the opposite wall.

Metroid Dread: How to Get the Grapple Beam Early

Pull Samus over the wall, go through the door, and just follow the path from there. It will lead to an elevator up to Artaria.

Just follow the path to the electrical harness door at the bottom (it's not far) and continue right to pick up the grappling hook harness.

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And that's it for getting the Clawshot Beam at the start of Metroid Dread. It's a laborious task, that's for sure, but you'll be happy to have it as soon as possible. For more on the latest installment in Nintendo's legendary franchise, check out the links above.

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