The Gore Magala will not be the only one to return in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak since fans will once again cross paths with the Wyvern Espinas (Monster Hunter Frontier). Entirely covered in spiny scales, the monster is known to lead a peaceful life, except when hunters come to provoke it. It is at this point that it becomes extremely dangerous, with in particular a formidable extension.

The other novelty reserved for this Capcom Showcase is the modernized version of the Jungle. Naturally, the developers thought of adding new elements compared to previous versions.

Ryozo Tsujimoto also announced that a demo of Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak will be deployed tomorrow (June 15) on Nintendo Switch and PC. It will offer an overview of the festivities planned for June 30, the date from which the extension will be available. In the meantime, Capcom has announced that digital pre-orders are open on both machines, and that they come with a set of bonus special armor for the Chumsky and Palico.

Finally, new content will be offered in the future via updates. For example, the Lunar Wyvern Nargacuga will land in August, along with the iconic Forbidden Tower. Other novelties are expected for next fall and winter, and even for 2023.