Combat is a huge part of Muck, and there aren't many better weapons for it than the Wyvern Dagger. This knife has the fastest attack speed of any weapon in the game, but is pretty average in terms of damage, dealing an amount between what Mithril and Adamantite swords deliver.
This guide will cover how to get the materials needed to craft the Wyvern Dagger and how to craft it.
Muck: How to Kill Wyverns for the Wyvern Dagger
To craft the Wyvern Dagger, you will need a set of Wyvern Claws and ten pieces of Oak Wood. The ten pieces of oak are the easy part. You probably have more than enough wood at this point, and if not, just chop. Reaching the Wyvern Claws is much trickier, as it requires you to kill Wyverns - lots of them.
Wyverns are green and yellow flying enemies that only spawn at night. They have a 1% chance to drop Wyvern Claws when they die. They're not particularly hard to kill, or that rare, but the fact that they only have a 1% chance of dropping the item you need means it's likely going to be a chore.
Wyverns won't start spawning until Day 7, giving you plenty of time to stock up on weapons and gear.
The most effective weapon to use against them is a bow. Melee weapons will not work while you are on the ground. Unless you have a jetpack, you probably won't get much use trying to slash them. An oak bow is the strongest of the wooden bows, so it's best to use it.
Wyverns can deal quite a bit of damage with their Windball projectiles. They will naturally try to keep their distance from you, but you should try to do the same. You'll both be launching ranged attacks at each other, and you'll want to have plenty of time to dodge if need be.
His attacks always travel in perfectly straight lines, so as long as you're strafe consistently, you're good. Remember to keep an eye out for other monsters that might be around you as well. The last thing you want is to die from a sneak attack from a second Wyvern.
There's a little trick you can abuse to help you take down these enemies a little easier. Like other enemies, Wyverns will target structure blocks when in close proximity. At the moment, however, they cannot damage workbenches. This means that if you place a workbench during combat, it momentarily "stuns" the Wyvern as it tries and fails to damage the workbench. You can use it to launch easy attacks.
Muck: How to make the wyvern dagger
Once you've finally gotten yourself some Wyvern Claws, it's time to get down to crafting.
Head to your anvil with your claws and ten oak woods and use them together to craft the Wyvern Dagger. It is a green-handled curved yellow blade with incredible attack speed. It might not do as much damage as other high-end blades in the game, but it more than makes up for it with the speed at which you can perform attacks.
Dressing up your Muck character with weapons and items like these is essential if you're looking to beat this game. fight Bob the dragon.
If you found this guide helpful, we have plenty of other guides for the Muck game!