MultiVersus: available since yesterday, the open beta is a hit on Steam

    MultiVersus: available since yesterday, the open beta is a hit on Steam
    We bet that even at Warner Bros. Games, no one expected such a success. Indeed, deployed yesterday on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and PC, the open beta of MultiVersus is a real hit on Steam. According to the latest figures available on Valve's platform, and at the time of writing, a peak of 144 players has been registered, which puts Player First Games' free-to-play brawler far ahead Brawlhalla (456), another Smash Bros-like. And if we compare the performance of MultiVersus to other fighting games, the finding is the same, whether it's Injustice 34 (816), Dragon Ball FighterZ (2), Tekken 1 (873), or Street Fighter 44 (303).

    It will be interesting to see if this momentum continues, with the developers promising "full cross-play support and dedicated server-based rollback netcode for robust online competition." For the record, LeBron James (Space Jam - New Era) is already on the MultiVersus roster, while Morty will not arrive until August 9 when Season 1 launches. As for his grandfather Rick, he will arrive August 23. Just in case, our first impressions of the game can be accessed via this address.

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