Players looking to increase their intimacy level with Beelzebub's surprise appearance after a dance battle can do so by following this guide. Keep in mind that these moves are meant to get the most affection. Those looking to score the most points will still have to give gifts.
Beelzebub Surprise home screen moves
Beelzebub Surprise Guest Text – Eat Well…
- 1st round
- hair faucet
- rub the chest
- 2nd round
- Hair rubbing
- Scrub the face
- 3nd round
- Hair rubbing
- Scrub the face
Beelzebub's Surprise Guest Text - You Can't Sleep…
- 1st round
- Hair rubbing
- Scrub the face
- breast cock
- 2nd round
- Hair rubbing
- breast cock
- Rubbing of the arms
- 3nd round
- Hair rubbing
Surprise guest text from Beelzebub – This dumpling looks delicious…
- 1st round
- rub the chest
- press the arm
- 2nd round
- Rub the hair
- rub the chest
- breast cock
- 3nd round
- breast cock
Related: Obey Me Barbatos Surprise Guest - Best Moves For Each Character
Beelzebub Surprise Guest Meeting Moving
Surprise guest text from Beelzebub – Now I can rest…
3 star winner:
- 1st round
- hair faucet
- Scrub the face
- press the arm
- 2nd round
- hair faucet
- Scrub the face
- rub the chest
- Rubbing of the arms
- 3nd round
- rub the chest
Surprise guest text from Beelzebub – I'm gonna give you that win…
3 star winner:
- 1st round
- Hands
- 2nd round
- Scrub the face
- rub the chest
- press the arm
- 3nd round
- Rubbing of the arms
Beelzebub Surprise Guest Text – My Stomach…
1-2 Star Victory:
- 1st round
- Scrub the face
- rub the chest
- 2nd round
- Hair rubbing
- Scrub the face
- breast cock
- press the arm
- 3nd round
- Rubbing of the arms
For more information on Obey Me!, check out Obey Me Belphegor Surprise Guest - Best Moves for Each Character on Pro Game Guides.