SCORN will finally be released early, 8 years after its announcement...
Last I heard, SCORN was scheduled to arrive on October 21, 2022, a date announced last June. But the developers of Ebb Software are back with good news: the game will be ahead, precisely one week, which means that it will be possible to dive into this organic hell from next October 14th. History to mark the occasion, a trailer answering the name of "You've waited long enough" ("You have waited long enough") was broadcast and in which we can see his character waking up from a deep sleep, in the middle of guts and slimy organisms. It's been a long wait though, as SCORN's very first trailer appeared in 2014, complete with pre-alpha footage, before it was kickstarted and then taken under the aegis. from Microsoft who gave a financial helping hand. It's no coincidence that the game is only released on PC and Xbox Series. We will receive the game soon, it will be an opportunity to offer you a complete test .