Silent Hill Ascension: Konami announces an interactive series based on streaming, trailer and info

    Silent Hill Ascension: Konami announces an interactive series based on streaming, trailer and info
    Of all the new Silent Hill games announced Wednesday night as part of the Silent Hill Transmission, Silent Hill: Ascension is arguably the most surprising. Indeed, it will take the form of an interactive series based on streaming. “Recently, I love watching streamers playing Silent Hill with their fans,” said Jacob Navok, President of Genvid Technologies. “We love that feeling of sharing a spooky experience with friends. is so fun to see a horror movie in a cinema. Silent Hill: Ascension takes that shared feeling of dread to a massive scale. It's an interactive series that takes place in real time and millions of fans can watch together the scary unfolding of the story. You can change the ending, or even take part in certain scenes."

    Still according to Jacob Navok, it will not be possible to go back. Each decision will therefore be final and likely to have dramatic consequences. Note that Bad Robot Games, Behavior Interactive and DJ2 Entertainment are also involved in the project. Moreover, Chris Amaral (art director at Bad Robot Games) indicated that the creatures of Silent Hill: Ascension would be inspired by personal traumas and hidden demons from the past life of the characters. We are curious to see how the sauce will take, especially with such great ambitions in terms of community.

    Silent Hill: Ascension is scheduled to launch in 2023.
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