Silent Hill: Christophe Gans confirms the leaks and that Konami is working on several video games (excluded)

    Silent Hill: Christophe Gans confirms the leaks and that Konami is working on several video games (excluded)
    If the return of Silent Hill in video games has been the subject of many fantasies and especially of leaks in recent months, on the side of Konami, we are turning a deaf ear. Apart from deleting images on Twitter last month for copyright infringement, the publisher has always played the "we don't comment on rumours" card. If the evidence and clues are multiplying that the license could return in several forms and several games, our recent interview with Christophe Gans, on the occasion of the cinema re-release of the film Le Pacte des Loups in a long version and restored in 4K , allowed us to come back with a scoop: that Konami is indeed working on the return of its franchise through several games.

    In fact, what happens is that... And we know it, it's in the thing... The franchise (Silent Hill, editor's note) is going to be relaunched in terms of video games, and therefore the film will become part of a global policy. I believe that on a forum, someone deduced that and he is absolutely right; in other words, the film is indeed part of a whole. I'm not saying that it was Konami who asked us to make a new film, it just so happens that a few months before the start of the pandemic, we are at the beginning of 2020, with Victor Hadida, following the death of Samuel (Hadida, his big brother editor's note), we went through all the rights that Samuel had acquired and we said to ourselves... We have the Fatal Frame franchise and the Silent Hill license, we have to do something about it.


    Christophe Gans goes even further by explaining that this desire for Konami to relaunch the Silent Hill franchise is simply based on the success of the latest remakes of Resident Evil by Capcom, knowing that when it comes to mainstream horror games, Silent Hill is one of these major works that the public has wanted to see back for decades...


    What I can say is that the film is rolling. I work with Konami. Konami's are all about it and I think they've been galvanized by the success of the Resident Evil 2 and 3 reboots, which are marvelous games, we have to give Caesar what belongs to Caesar.


    So there is no longer any doubt that Silent Hill will return. It remains to be seen how, but the many leaks allow us to know that a new episode is in development, that a remake of Silent Hill 2 is also in preparation and that a film will come to shine the license again. movie theater. If it is not life like this?

    For people who still doubt it (not many people I think), Christophe Gans confirms the return of game(s) SILENT HILL, in addition to his film in preparation. The script is ready, they are looking for the actors and no, the film will not be released in 2023.

    FULL ITW :

    – Maxime CHAO (@MaximeChao) June 13, 2022
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