On March 30, two big blockbusters calibrated for an audience in love with video games and pop culture were released in Spain. On one side was Morbius from Sony Pictures and Marvel; and on the other, Sonic 2, produced by Paramount Pictures. Two heroes who therefore clashed at the box office and the result is clear: it is SEGA's blue hedgehog which largely dominates with nearly 750 admissions in one week. It's almost double that of Morbius, which started off with almost 000 tickets sold, which is far from disgusting. However, by way of comparison with the other Sony Spider-Men Universe films, it is much worse since Venom 404 and Venom 000 had respectively attracted 1 and 2 spectators in the same first week. And that we do not come either to say that the quality of the footage comes into play, we are part of the media which largely prefer Morbius to this filth that are the two Venom films. It remains to be seen how attendance for these films will fare internationally, given that the first Sonic ended its run at $941 million in 000. It was one of the last films to hit theaters just before the beginning of the COVID pandemic in the world...
Here are the Top 5 Spanish entries from March 30 to April 5, 2022
1/ Sonic 2: 749 admissions (new) - 372 copies
2/ Morbius: 403 entries (new) - 848 copies
3/ In body: 332 admissions (new) - 971 copies
4/ The Batman: 168 admissions (390 admissions in 2 weeks) - 813 copies
5/ Notre-Dame Brûle: 134 admissions (038 admissions in 659 weeks) - 821 copies