Let me reassure fans of The Last of Us, Uncharted, God of War or even Horizon, we will always continue to create this kind of thing. Because that's what our fans expect from us, but also because we love doing them too. That's how I grew up and I don't see a world where PlayStation Studios can't make these kinds of games anymore. We encourage our teams to take creative risks. You've seen how Naughty Dog managed to do with The Last of US franchise. Find new ways to tell stories. That's what I like. So we will always continue to make these games.
On the other hand, where things will change is the timing of the release of PC games, which will occupy an increasingly important part. The waiting time between a PlayStation and PC release is likely to decrease and above all, the service games will be released simultaneously on both platforms.
We are also very excited to find a new audience, new players. The PC market is growing, so we release some of our games on PC. We've launched a fully dedicated mobile division too, to find even more people who can enjoy our great licenses. I think in the future there will be at least a year between PlayStation and PC release, presumably with the exception of game-services. Game-services are by nature quite different in their approach, as we need a very involved community and a strong commitment from the launch of the game. For these reasons, we could do day & date releases between the PC and the PlayStation.
It is obvious that if these new challenges are clearly identified, PlayStation is also playing big, because there is a whole new market to seduce. An Asian market, mainly Chinese, that you have to go after with games that are not necessarily familiar to them and whose narrative single-player stories do not really have a place there. Because it must be remembered, Chinese players do not consume video games like the rest of the planet...