Teamfight Tactics (TFT) is a frequently updated game that requires updates to be properly balanced. Each update often comes with new heroes and mechanics that shake things up and amplify the strengths of previously underrated champions. At Thekingplayers we keep up to date with the best strategies for all the most popular games. For Teamfight Tactics, we are here for you!
The best team compositions in Teamfight Tactics
Picking the best team composition in TFT can be tricky, as the game relies heavily on the random luck of the draw for the champions you get. For this reason, we try to include the best comps for multiple origins and classes. With a wider variety of options, you'll find a great team comp for almost any situation! Let's start!
The shortlist
Here we provide you easy access to all the team comps which we feature below. You can see a general description of what each comp is running, so this is the best area to quickly reference what you are running in-game. Follow the links provided to access a more detailed guide for that team comp.
- Easy team comps
- Dawnbringers: Karma carry, simple setup. Use tanky Dawnbringers in the front and let ranged attackers in the back deal damage.
- Skirmishers: Jax carries with low self-healing HP. The team hit hard and fast from the start.
- Average Team Comps
- Nightbringers: Aphelios carry, simple setup. Nightbringers take the brunt of the damage to let the backline carry, but get bonuses below 50% health to finish off stragglers.
- Assassins: double porting, simple configuration. Amplify powerful assassins with guaranteed critical hits and frequent stuns.
- Difficult team comps
- Kayle's Ascension: Kayle carry, unusual setup. The Knights play hard defense to buy time for Kayle, who climbs and wastes all of the opponent's time after reaching her 4th ascent.
- Hell's Gold Ring: Unusual, multi-carry setup. Focuses on getting gold tier heroes and their special powers to make you a jack-of-all-trades opponent.
Easy team comps
We call these compositions easy because they are usually easy to train and mostly require origins or classes to match. They also generally lean towards the standard four- or five-star ranges rather than leveling your heroes up to level three. These team compositions don't always lead to 1st place, but if played correctly, they will always put you in the top four.
When Dawnbringers drop below 50% health, they quickly heal a portion of their maximum health and increase the damage of all other Dawnbringers by 10%. This is a standard version; so focus on saving up to level up rather than rolling for tier three units.
You'll want to use your frontline Dawnbringers as self-healing tanks that increase backline damage, especially karma. Use Karma as your main port and focus on equipping her items. If you get Rabadon's Caustic Death Cap for her, you'll want to protect her as best you can, as she'll take the hit at max health. Once you have their items, equip items from the rest of your team that work with their class.
When a battle begins, skirmishers receive an additional shield and attack damage. This is a standard version; so focus on saving up to level up rather than rolling for tier three units.
Jax is the perfect skirmisher because his special increases his attack speed, which means he hits harder and faster as the battle progresses. When combined with shadow weapons, Jax carves the team like a magical rejuvenating knife through hot butter. Caustic Quicksilver protects him from control. The Thirst for Risk hits his health at the start of the fight, but further increases his attack speed when he heals to 90%. Runaan's Untamed Hurricane causes his fast and hard attacks to damage other heroes with every swing. Keep him in mind to make him a dominant force in every battle.
Average Team Comps
Medium team compositions are a bit more difficult to form and usually require players to use multiple origins and complementary classes at once. They can also be classified as average because they have weak early game heroes or rare rolls. These team compositions usually put you in the top three of a game and usually put you in 1st or 2nd place if you play them well.
This is a standard version; so focus on saving up to level up rather than rolling for tier three units.
The Nightbringer origin can be risky as it only takes effect when heroes reach less than 50% health. At this point, they receive a shield that decreases over time and an increase in their attack damage. Since this comp only uses four Nightbringers (60% shield and 30% bonus damage), it's best to use them as shields to protect them from powerful prowlers in the back.
Rangers need to be placed correctly because you want to draw attention away from Aphelios, who is your team. Because of this, you want Kindred's Wolf and Lamb to block Aphelios in the corner. Focus on getting Aphelios the items he needs, especially Hand of Vengeance. Once he has his items, give the rest of the items to your Nightbringers to bolster their defenses.
This is a slow build, so focus on saving money past 50 to get tier three heroes, rather than increasing your player level.
Assassins have always been a powerful class in TFT as they jump to the back line (which usually has lower HP) at the start of combat and clearance, then continue to deal heavy damage to the opponent's decreasing numbers. Assassins mostly focus on hitting hard rather than fast, so your two ranges are going to contain Infinity Edge.
Each carry for this team has their own strengths, so you'll definitely only want to run this comp if you throw them both in the middle of the game. Nocturne's items make him resistant to crowd control and increase his speed, but deal damage to him. His special ability heals him for damage, so you'll want him to deal damage but position him to avoid attention. LeBlanc stuns your opponent's heroes at a rapid rate if equipped with Very Dark Blue Bluff.
Difficult team comps
There are several reasons why a team composition can be considered difficult to create. The most likely reason is that he is running a high risk-reward scenario. These situations usually only work when you have the full comp and work extremely well when they do. However, failing in one aspect (wrong items, wrong rolls, etc.) would be like throwing sand into an engine. These comps are best for advanced players who know how to react if things go wrong. When handled well, these team comps will frequently land you in 1st or 2nd place.
Kayle's Ascension
This is a quick level build. Buy level 5 in stage 2 and try to build a complementary team. Buy level 6 in stage 3 and level 7 in stage 4, regardless of how much gold you have.
This team comp focuses on Kayle and her Ascension passive ability as your primary wielder. His ascension occurs every five seconds for his one- and two-star levels or every second for his three-star level. As she levels up, she gains new perks for each level, which are listed below.
- 1st Ascent: Attacks deal a percentage of Kayle's AD as bonus true damage. (1 star 90%, 2 stars 100%, 3 stars 1000%)
- 2nd Ascent: Attacks explode around the target, dealing Kayle's AD and bonus true damage to nearby enemies.
- 3rd Ascent: Every 7 attacks grant Kayle damage immunity for XNUMX second.
- 4th Ascent: Blows rain down swords that deal magic damage. (1 star 200 DMG, 3 star 300 DMG, 3 star 1000 DMG)
Because Kayle's Ascension takes time, you must have an extremely difficult frontline to kill. Ironclad and Knights are best for this, but, at the same time, you need to round up your comp with the Redeemed class to bring them back if they drop. When you combine these three, you have a line of heroes that don't deal much damage, but give Kayle just enough time to squander everything around her.
Hell's Golden Ring
This is a quick level build. Buy level 5 in stage 2 and try to build a complementary team. Buy level 6 in stage 3 and level 7 in stage 4, regardless of how much gold you have.
This build starts by pushing Hellions early and mid-game to get a solid winning streak. You want to keep building on Hellion Origin until you buy Heimerdinger and Volibear. At this point, upgrade to three Hellions and sacrifice health to buy Teemo. Since Teemo can only be purchased with player health, you only want to run this comp if you haven't lost any.
Focus on releasing your gold tier heroes Volibear, Teemo, Heimerdinger, Garen, and Kindred. The rest of your team doesn't have to be strictly what's listed, but you should focus on amplifying the Invoker, Renewer, and Mystic classes. If you use the full composition listed above, you will lead a team with 10 bonus stats.
When you get Heimerdinger and Kindred, place them on the other side of your back to serve as a ranged damage distraction for assassins.
Final words
Reckoning brings a lot of new mechanics to TFT, and these comps will likely change as the meta changes and with each new update. Be sure to check back weekly for better comps, as this guide will change semi-often!
Interested in playing TFT in the competitive arena? Be sure to check out our guide on how the TFT Ranking System works!