XCOM Chimera Squad is a brand new title set in the XCOM universe, but it's not exactly the same turn-based strategy game you remember. While he uses tactics and strategies in a way fans of the show will find familiar, it's all about a new conceit.
Instead of saving the world from an alien threat, you'll take control of the eponymous Chimera Squad, a group of aliens and humans ready to protect City 31 after the events of XCOM 2. Of course, given what happened in XCOM: Enemy Unknown and XCOM 2, not everyone is happy with the allegiance between aliens and humans.
To combat threats and maintain peace, the Chimera Squad acts as a quasi-police force, supporting tactical operations throughout the city. These play out a bit differently than typical XCOM encounters and feature an all-new “breach mode,” the first step in any encounter.
According to the gameplay overview video below, "This phase begins each encounter and allows you to choose Chimera Squad entry points and agent turn order." Here, you decide how your team works – or doesn't work – together, taking actions that will affect the rest of the encounter.
Turning, an integral part of any XCOM experience, is also seeing a small tweak. Much like the timeline feature of Othercide, Chimera Squad allows certain Agents to shuffle turn order, getting ahead of enemies and allies. From what we know of the Othercide version of this type of system, it's one that has the potential to stand out in the XCOM universe.
Each Agent has a unique ability that synergizes with other Agents, and while you want to keep all of your Agents healthy, they won't die if they fall in battle. Instead, Agents are incapacitated, taking on scars and battle wounds that impact key stats.
XCOM Chimera Squad is upon us and is set to release on Steam for PC on April 24th. Normally $19,99, the game will be reduced to $9,99 until May 1st. You can pre-order the game on Steam now.
While this is an aesthetic departure from what is typically seen in the XCOM series, and mixes up some of the franchise's key mechanics, it seems that most of the tactical and strategic elements of XCOM remain. Chimera Squad doesn't seem as far removed from the series' roots as, say, The Bureau: XCOM Declassified.
Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more on Chimera Squad, including our next review.