This War of Mine: a new charity initiative for Ukraine for the 8th anniversary of the game
Released on PC in 2014, This War of Mine is by far the biggest hit from 11 bit Studios, also known for titles like Frostpunk. With more than 7 million copies sold, the title was also adapted for Nintendo at the end of 2018 and above all represents a work against the war. Quite naturally, with the war in Ukraine which broke out last February, the Polish studio immediately supported its neighboring country by providing financial aid to the Red Cross. The developers of 11 bit Studios had managed to sell 204 copies of the game during this period and thus raise $000 for the NGO. We also remember that the DLC "The Little Ones of This War of Mine" had managed to raise more than $ 850 for War Child, a humanitarian organization, with the aim of helping young people affected by the war. But the fight does not stop there, since for the 000 years of the game, we learn that the game This War of Mine will continue to contribute to help rebuild Ukraine. Basically, by purchasing the 558 bit Collection Game Bundle, available from Humble Bundle, players can choose to donate the entire sum (apart from Humble's small fixed percentage) to Razom, a charity dedicated to rebuilding a prosperous Ukraine.
The Polish studio takes advantage of this anniversary to remind you that their game This War of Mine has been exhibited in events and exhibitions such as the Museum of Modern Art in New York, but also at the War Games exhibition at the Imperial War Museum in London. . Better still, the game has entered the Polish national education system and from September 2023, it will be added to the main curriculum of Polish schools as complementary reading to be used during lessons on armed conflict, morals and ethics. This initiative was prompted by the fact that many professors in Poland and in some universities around the world had already been used as an example. In short, a success on all levels.