Tomb Raider: Crystal Dynamics will give news of the next episode in 2023

    In development at Crystal Dynamics, the next Tomb Raider is particularly discreet despite the rumors of which it is the subject. According to the latest rumors, Lara Croft, now in her thirties, would be at the head of a team of archaeologists and should face a cataclysm striking the entire planet. Moreover, the scale of the task would be so enormous that the developers would consider integrating a cooperation mode. But what clearly sparked controversy is the fact that in this episode, the adventurer would maintain a homosexual relationship. It was enough for some to accuse Crystal Dynamics of having given in to wokism.

    Tomb Raider: Crystal Dynamics will give news of the next episode in 2023

    In short, all that to say that as part of a conference call with Embracer investors, Phil Rodgers confided that the studio would certainly give news of the next Tomb Raider in 2023. The boss of Eidos and Crystal Dynamics has in particular insisted on the benefits of the Unreal Engine 5 and the added value it brought in terms of narration. We will therefore have to be patient, knowing that since then Square Enix has had the number of the Sacred Symbols podcast at the origin of the leak deleted. Proof that the truth is not far away, the show in question having also specified that the developers were looking for a British actress in her thirties and with a physique close to Emily Blunt or Rosamund Pike.

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