Two Point Campus: we played it, our keyboard mouse impressions in hand

    Two Point Campus: we played it, our keyboard mouse impressions in handThe preview version that we were able to lay our hands on had the first two universities accessible in the game. Freshleigh Meadows is a relatively simple campaign establishment, which serves mainly as a tutorial. As for Piazza Lanatra, it is a university dedicated to gastronomy where one learns, among other things, how to make improbable giant pizzas. Faithful to the tradition initiated in the last century by Theme Park and Theme Hospital, Two Point Campus never takes itself seriously and relies on humor. There will therefore be many crazy subjects to teach our students, the progress in the game allowing to unlock more and more. Many are still kept secret by the developers, but between the information already available, what we can see in the trailers and what we were given to experience during this preview, we can already and already count on courses in chivalry, archeology, scientography, music, Internet history, virtual normality or even counter-cultural studies.


    Faithful to the tradition initiated in the last century by Theme Park and Theme Hospital, Two Point Campus never takes itself seriously and relies on humor. There will therefore be many crazy subjects to teach our students, the progress in the game allowing to unlock more and more.

    Two Point Campus: we played it, our keyboard mouse impressions in hand

    The humor is not only found in the equipment of the classrooms and corridors (giant oven, quick nap stand, etc.) but also in the cartoonish and caricatural look of the students, and even more so in the many activities dedicated to them, all being exquisitely detailed. Even a basic course in a simple amphitheater deserves to be observed with attention, because you will be able to unearth, for example, a student there sleeping, mouth wide open and head thrown back. It's kind of the credo of the game: teaching should be fun. Both for the player and for virtual students elsewhere. We must indeed ensure that they have a good life, so that their academic results are better and that university fees continue to increase. Basic needs (hunger, thirst, hygiene, etc.) must therefore be satisfied with the help of dormitories, toilets, showers, vending machines and other food stands. But care must also be taken to distract them and facilitate friendly and romantic relationships. Theirs are the student hostels equipped with darts and arcade terminals, the unions dedicated to the organization of parties, clubs of all kinds and meeting points facilitating rapprochement.



    Two Point Campus: we played it, our keyboard mouse impressions in handAll this will hardly disorient the regulars of Two Point Hospital, even if here the basic gameplay consists of building classrooms, amphitheatres, laboratories and libraries rather than operating rooms, as well as hiring pedagogues rather than doctors. Janitors, on the other hand, are always on hand, because you need someone to clean up the rubbish on the floor, unclog the toilets and repair all the equipment. The proximity to the previous production of Two Point Studios could also be the only downside to the game. The developers promise us all the same that managing students differs significantly from simply welcoming patients. While the latter are content to come and take advantage of the hospital's services and then leave, the students on the contrary pay to stay.

    Two Point Campus: we played it, our keyboard mouse impressions in hand

    The proximity to the previous production of Two Point Studios could also be the only downside to the game. The developers promise us all the same that managing students differs significantly from simply welcoming patients.

    Two Point Campus: we played it, our keyboard mouse impressions in handThe time and content dedicated to this preview version being limited, we didn't really feel any major differences between the two concepts, but the test will be an opportunity to clarify this point. In the meantime, Two Point Campus still stands out thanks to the division into school years. The summer break gives the opportunity to build additional facilities and choose the next formations in peace, time being suspended. It is also possible to decorate the exterior of the university, benches, fountains and vegetation increasing the attractiveness of the establishment, while the hot dog kiosks and coffee stands located in the open air also contribute to the quality of student life. Let's end with an extremely positive detail: even if it is not yet final at the moment, the interface already offers a function allowing you to copy and paste entire rooms. This is very handy for building new classrooms or dormitories without having to place and decorate everything again!

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