Where is the code to unlock the Gideon Fry delivery booths in Deathloop?

Where is the code to unlock the Gideon Fry delivery booths in Deathloop?

In each area of ​​Blackreef you will find a Gideon Fry delivery booth which is locked with a code. There are four in total, but each uses the same code. So once you find the master code, you can unlock them all.

The code can be found in Fia's Fortress at Fristad Rock, but only if you go there at noon. Stay to the left of the fortress following the mined path until you come to the transmission post. From there, keep to the right and you will find a way to access the entrance to the back door of the Fia bunker.

If you look inside, in battle you will see an office, and inside is a delivery booth, but more importantly, a desk and a whiteboard. Move or break the glass to enter. On the desk is a note telling you where the delivery stands are, and on the whiteboard is the code. With this code you can now return to all four locations. However, there is nothing inside.

How to Use Gideon Fry Delivery Booths

Instead of finding loot, you find a delivery terminal. With this terminal, you can order four specific items to arrive at any of the four locations you desire, but only until the next segment of the day. If you order at noon, it will arrive in the afternoon at the location of your choice.

The items you can have delivered are:

  • Battery
  • Crank
  • Turret
  • Canceller

Keep in mind that you can only order one item per visit.

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