There are many resources to find and collect in Icarus. As a survival game, you will constantly need to find gear to survive. An important resource you will need is iron. But you might be wondering where exactly to find iron ore in Icarus.
To find iron ore in Icarus, you will need to search for caves, either open or hidden. Inside you will find iron ore that you can mine with a pickaxe. As you mine it, the ore will deplete and it will automatically be added to your inventory. You can also find iron outside the caves.
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You will need a pickaxe to mine iron ore. Without it, you will not be able to get iron. Iron is an incredibly versatile resource that players should definitely seek out. It can be used to craft tools and weapons that will come in handy when players try to survive.
Players should beware when entering caves for iron, as dangerous mobs may reside there. While it is extremely important to obtain iron, players should not risk their lives unnecessarily trying to obtain it.
For more information on Icarus, see Is Icarus compatible with controllers? and Where to Find Coal in Icarus on Thekingplayers.