Xbox Series X | S: a collector's KFC controller, but in bad taste

    A few weeks before the arrival of the Xbox Series X | S, Microsoft is formalizing a partnership with KFC to announce the release of a collector controller in the colors of the fast-food brand. No flight however, it is not a controller that can be bought commercially but a contest which allows you to win 50 Xbox Series X or 50 controllers. It is obviously this controller with its atypical look that attracts attention, since there are many references to the Kentucky Fried Chicken brand on it. Fried chicken drumsticks, buckets and also the mascot of the sign appear everywhere on the controller, with the added bonus of the marriage of white and red, the two colors which represent the color code. It's obviously not in the best taste, but KFC assumes and even has fun.

    Xbox Series X | S: a collector's KFC controller, but in bad taste

    Unfortunately, the competition is only reserved for Great Britain and Ireland who have until November 15 to participate and have the chance, perhaps, to leave with this controller out of nowhere, an Xbox console Series X, but also chicken wings. Note that such a partnership between Microsoft and KFC for a contest is reminiscent of that of Sony and Burger King who won 1 PS000s. Like what, the two manufacturers are only imitating each other...

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