Best Nightbot Commands for Twitch Streamers

Best Nightbot Commands for Twitch Streamers

Nightbot is a pretty basic bot but has a lot of potential to do fun and useful commands. APIs allow the bot to have more complex answers as long as a person is willing to work for it.


One of the most useful things Nightbot can do doesn't even involve manually entering a command. On the Nightbot page, streamers can allow others to change settings, add commands, and even edit blacklisted words. Timers are Nightbot responses that can be set to automatically turn off between scheduled intervals. To avoid clutter in chat, this can also be configured to only turn off after a fixed number of chat messages.

Social and subscription links

Providing information to the chat when they request it using manual commands like !social or !sub is a good way to provide chat members with the information they are looking for. Of course, not all active chat members will be able to ask, and some lurkers may stare at the chat and be unable to speak. Adding a timer to provide these commands will give chatters a useful reminder from time to time. Having both manual and timed control for these isn't necessary, but it's effective nonetheless.

Clip of the week

This timer will attract the attention of chat members and encourage the audience to record more. It can be a long command with lots of BTTV emoticons, or just a simple sentence followed by the clip's URL, depending on how much spectacle the streamer wants to make it. The clip in the chat will show which member cut it, so there's no reason to put their username in the chat.

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Orders for information


When you get a host, raid, or just a chatting friend you want to pay attention to, a command to give their Twitch URL can come in handy. A string must be created for the bot to retrieve this information and can be written to the command.

$(twitch game $(touser)) retrieves the last game the person tagged in the command was playing. $(touser) will make Nightbot say the name of the channel and can be added to the end of in order to properly link their channel in the command.

An example of this would be "Check out $(touser)'s channel on$(touser) where they last played $(twitch game $(touser))"


Many people new and old on Twitch don't know what Bits do or how they work. Having a simple explanation of what they are and how they support streamers might encourage chatterboxes who watch ads for tracks to Cheer more often. They roughly estimate around $0,01 for each bit, but the initial cost of buying the bits will result in a 30% discount on Twitch.


Twitch users often don't bother to check how long a stream was. Normally this can be done by going to the Videos tab of the streamer's page and seeing how long their last VOD was. Having this command available to everyone is a useful way to avoid the hassle or having to ask the streamer to check their stats.

  • !uptime $(twitch $(channel) « {{uptimeLength}} »)

This will respond with just the time the streamer has been live and it's kind of straightforward. Adding a few words for a bit of flavor might be better and can be fun for streamers with a sense of humor.

Between !uptime and time, a sentence can be constructed as a person wishes.

  • !uptime Streamer is online from $(twitch $(channel) "{{uptimeLength}}")
  • !uptime Streamer suffers from $(twitch $(channel) "{{uptimeLength}}")

These are just examples, but playing around with this idea will customize this command if desired.

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Fun commands

death counter

Keeping track of deaths can seem daunting, so this command may not be something for all streamers. For this to work, there must already be a command configuration of 0. It could be !deaths The stream died 0 times.

  • !adddeath !deaths $(twitch $(channel) "Streamer died {{game}} $(count) times.")

This will increase the counter and mods can use this command to increase the counter one at a time.

  • ! deathreset! deathadd -c = 0

A quick way to reset the counter is to use a command rather than manually changing the counter.

Quotation system

Having a list of quotes for the bot to pull is a fun way for the chat to get involved and see things taken out of context. Doing this for Nightbot will require the use of an API and someone has already done the heavy lifting. Created by ehsankia, they are linked to an automatic or manual way to generate a quotation system.


Unless Nightbot is captioned, they won't be able to spam a streamer's emotes. BTTV, FFZ, and 7TV emotes are free and can be used by Nightbot for various chants.

Rather than having a prefix for the command like an exclamation point, the emote name can be used on its own. This allows Nightbot to have fun when a chat member uses a specific emote. Having multiple identical emotes for a long chant, but a single emote can work the same.

The command will not be case sensitive, so misspellings will work. Having this for music with emotes like catJAM, pepeJAM or ratJAM can get all cats involved to enjoy the song. Scary Moments can be met with monkaS, monkaW or monkaSHAKE for a similar effect.


Having random number values ​​for chat can keep the audience busy without creating too much spam. Using Nightbot's actual order percentages can be fully customized. Here are some examples that many streamers already have to get an idea of ​​what it might look like.

  • $(eval Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1))%
    • This is the command to get a random percentage between one and 100.
  • !die There is a $(eval Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1))% chance that the streamer will die
  • !love There is $(eval Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1))% love chance between $(user) and $(touser)

There are all sorts of combinations to use between all of the Nightbot commands, and the website has plenty of handy resources for these strings.

For more Twitch guides, check out How to Affiliate on Twitch on Pro Gaming Guides.

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