All weapons in Bloodborne can kill, but depending on your build, some are more viable than others. Each weapon has its own unique movesets and playstyles that alter their use. Thus, you might prefer a weaker weapon with a stronger attack set than a strong weapon with a mediocre attack set.
Due to Bloodborne stats, not all weapons can be used by all builds. Most are limited to having certain stats so you can use them effectively.
Best Weapons in Bloodborne
- Statistics required
- Force—10
- Skill—14
- Blood Tint—12
One of the funniest but hardest builds to play is Bloodtinge. Bloodtinge is mostly geared around guns, as all guns deal blood damage, and with an increase in Bloodtinge, they will deal increased damage. Only a few scaled weapons with Bloodtinge.
One of the best Bloodtinge weapons in the game is the Chikage. When transformed, the Chikage inflicts pureblood damage and few enemies resist it. His anime-style initial draw deals massive damage. There is a downside. The Chikage continually drains your health in its transformed state, which can kill you if you're not careful to return to its original form.
While this weapon is phenomenal for Bloodtinge builds, it's also one of the most difficult weapons to acquire. , you also need to amass 50 Blood Echoes to purchase this weapon from the Bath Messengers.
The Chikage is difficult to use, but it's an amazing weapon when you master it.
funeral blade
The Burial Blade is half scythe, half sword, and is one of the coolest weapons in the entire game. It's extremely good at clearing masses of mobs with its L2 range.
But it is the most difficult weapon to acquire in the game. You need to go to the penultimate boss Gehrman and the last boss Moon Presence. Only Gehrman must be defeated to earn the Old Hunter badge. Normally this can be acquired when starting New Game Plus, but it can be obtained from the start.
Typically, you don't want to die to a boss, but to get the Burial Blade early, defeat Gehrman's first stage, then die to the Lunar Presence. This will return you before the boss but with the Old Hunter badge in your possession. Head to the Bath Messengers and drop 60 Blood Echoes to purchase the Burial Blade.
Ludwig's Sacred Blade
Ludwig's Sacred Blade is a longsword that can be combined with its scabbard and transformed into a two-handed sword. This weapon has incredible range, deals massive damage, and can stun locked enemies. This blade is perfect for those who want to play Bloodborne like Dark Souls by ignoring the parry mechanics of guns and instead smash enemies with a sword.
You can get this weapon quite early in the game. All you have to do is kill the Blood Hungry Beast and then go to the top of the Healing Church Workshop to acquire the Radiant Sword Hunter Badge . Go back and talk to the bath messengers and buy Ludwig's Sacred Blade for 20 Blood Echoes.
Simon's Bow Blade
- Statistics required
- Force—8
- Skill—15
- Blood Tint—9
Simon's Bowblade is another weapon that evolves with Bloodtinge, but this one can be upgraded into a ranged weapon. In its untransformed state, it's a curved blade with an elaborate moveset, but it becomes a large bow when transformed, allowing you to ignore the gun and use that bow instead, which costs always quicksilver bullets.
This fictional weapon can only be acquired in the DLC - The Old Hunters, but can be obtained in multiple ways depending on how you want it. You can either follow a series of quests from an NPC (non-playable character) Simon the Harrowed but will only get the Bowblade towards the end of the DLC. Or you can try to kill him the second you see him near the first shortcut, but depending on what time you do that, it's not an easy fight.
The Rakuyo is one of the ultimate skill weapons in the game. It is seen in the hands of Lady Maria in the Astral Clock Tower. The moveset is terrific, both processed and unprocessed. Its original state is a two-bladed weapon, but when transformed it splits into a dagger and a katana and is perfect for surrounding. When fully leveled, it lowers its skill with an A. The Rakuyo can be upgraded, making it extremely deadly in the right hands.
While you can't get this weapon early by rushing, as it belongs to the last area of The Old Hunters DLC, you not only have to kill one of the toughest enemies in the game, the Giant Fishman. Unfortunately, this weapon is unlikely to be used in your first playthrough.
cleaver saw
Oddly enough, the Saw Cleaver is one of the three starting weapons you can choose from at the start of the game, and one of the best weapons. You can easily use this serrated blade throughout the game and have no issues. If you had chosen one of the other two weapons, you could buy it from the Messengers of the Bath lately.
The 20% bonus damage against enemy beasts is amazing in the early game, but this bonus is only valid when the weapon is not transformed. When transformed, this extra damage is lost, but the range of the weapon is increased, as well as the damage dealt. Chaining the two states together is a great way to deal damage with minimal stamina cost.