Buzz Lightyear is released today, this spin-off of Toy Story which tells the true story of the film on which the existence of the plastic toy is based. A longtime dream for Pixar which is coming true and which will allow us to discover a new facet of the character. More human, younger too and no doubt less stupid than the toy version, this Buzz Lightyear will have to face other problems. To bring all the characters of the film to life, a brand new voice cast has been selected, both for the original English and French voices. If it is Chris Evans who embodies Buzz internationally, it is François Civil who lends his voice to the space ranger. A role that suits him perfectly, especially since his performance is sincerely successful, especially when you know that this is the first time that lends itself to the exercise of dubbing. Disney has just published a new video on the film, in which we find the actors hard at work, and also revealing some anecdotes about the times spent with these characters. And we remind you that you have to stay until the end of the credits to discover the 3 post-credits scenes.
I had the opportunity to see BUZZ L'ECLAIR a few days ago and Pixar managed the transition from the Toy Story toy to the origin story of the real character. The story is even surprising.
And beware, there are 3 post-credits scenes at the end of the film. Yes, 3! It's a first. pic.twitter.com/1RBF0vFJnl
– Maxime CHAO (@MaximeChao) June 9, 2022